lets see, obama didnt know anything about Fast and furious, or the - TopicsExpress


lets see, obama didnt know anything about Fast and furious, or the IRS scandal, or Benghazi, or the spying by the NDA... He lied about keeping your health insurance as many are being dropped..500,000 in Cal so far, about it being affordable.. one womens went from $40 a month to $380 a month... he has consistently support the Muslim brotherhood who are the most evil and murderous group in the world right now, he consistently Mocks the Judeo-Christian God, is banning that religion in all public and even private places, he tells US to cut back..meanwhile he and his wife go on separate vacations costing several MILLIONS each time, he shuts down the white house, which is OUR HOUSE.. you should ALWAYS be able to contact the white house! So let me get this straight...WE who love America, believe in its founding principles, who WORK for a living, who try to be upright citizens..are NOW the Terrorists! WE are now the enemy!! DO YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG HERE???? then you have FB... if you post nudity, vulgarity, hate speech against Christians it is okay!! but if you post the FACTS about Islam, or the President and his lies, or just share a news items that points out the truth about what is going on..you get put in the time out chair..and not allowed to post for several days..or longer! Wake up people... this country is under SPIRITUAL attack!! Satan is running rampant.. he knows his time is short! Evil is on the increase, good and right is now wrong. People would rather watch the perverts in hollywood are doing, than see what is going on in front of their faces with this country!! By the way..all you have justin Beiber fans, or like him yourself.. saw a report of his parties almost everynight! at least 5 girls are invited to his room..different each night! and girls are dying to be at the party!! Tells you what kind of wickedness is in the hearts of our kids... hollywood and the rock scene is the place you should want to stay away from as much and as far as you can!! Instead.. Christians will go to the movies, buy the music, and support the most deviate, wickeness that is possible~! I really do not care if you get upset with what i am saying! IT is HOLINESS or HELL folks! We MUST be separate from the world! We MUST recognize evil, lies and wickedness, or we are in great danger! yes, we need to love those people and desire that they become christians, BUT we cannot EVER JOIN IN with them, or Condone what they do! We MUST be different! And Dont give me the Judge statement! SIN is SIN! PERIOD!! IT destroys, and how will they know if you dont say it! Our world is heading toward destruction and quickly..our nation is going to go down... over night we will be ruined! Laugh, mock all you want...but it will come upon you suddenly..and you will wonder what happened! Just take it as a warning.. do the research!! read the ancient texts.. forget the mayans, who murdered thousands in sacrifice..why would you believe them? forget Nostradamus, or Cayce... much of their predictions were incorrect.. and where did their power come from?? check the source!! You will believe THEM..but you wont believe GOD who has been right 100%...yes 100% of the time!! or just go back to your games, silliness, your parites, you MSM and swallow the lies~....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:32:37 +0000

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