letter from Officeof Andrew George MP re St.Ives meeting re - TopicsExpress


letter from Officeof Andrew George MP re St.Ives meeting re Treloyhan woodland. RE: PUBLIC MEETING ON DEVELOPMENT PRESSURES IN ST IVES, LELANT AND CARBIS BAY HELD ON 24TH OCTOBER 2014 I wanted to write and thank you for attending the public meeting held last Friday, 24th October 2014 in the Council Chamber at St Ives. I was pleased that Baroness Kate Parminter – former Chief Executive of the Campaign to Protect Rural England – joined us at the meeting. Special thanks must also go to Councillor Rita Lait, Lucy Davis (St Ives Neighbourhood Development Plan) and for St Ives Councillor, Morag Robertson, who Chaired the meeting and who also Chairs the local Community Land Trust. As you saw, the meeting was well attended - standing room only! – feelings were strong and expressed with passion and determination. I thought it may be helpful if I set out below the actions which the meeting resolved to take and which Baroness Parminter and I will follow through: 1. Submit a “protest” to the Secretary of State (Rt. Hon Eric Pickles MP) against the granting of planning permission for homes to be built on Treloyan Manor (an area which in the draft Neighbourhood Plan should is proposed to be protected as a “green corridor” for the town). I have spoken to a few local people who will collate the evidence and case which in a short document. I will then presented this to the Secretary of State with a firmly worded covering letter in the support of the paper and requesting an urgent review. 2. Request a “moratorium” on any further major planning applications in the area until the Neighbourhood Development Plan has been approved - anticipated in about 6 months time. 3. Call on Cornwall Council to publish records of all of the funds which have been collected under Section 106 Agreements where a contribution should be made to “affordable homes” and to show where those monies are spent. Baroness Parminter and I will, this week, follow up our commitments to the public meeting with questions and representations. I will endeavour to keep you informed of progress in this respect. With every good wish. Yours sincerely,
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:10:56 +0000

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