liveleak/view?i=b89_1404048129 Infidels must wear red collars - TopicsExpress


liveleak/view?i=b89_1404048129 Infidels must wear red collars and shave heads: Nazi vision of Muslim Britain from Imam who ran Isis barbecue in Cardiff park. Part of channel(s): Iraq (current event) A radical hate preacher linked to the ‘brainwashing’ of three Welsh young jihadis fighting in Iraq and Syria has outlined his chilling vision of a Nazi-style, Islamic state in Britain on video, describing how non-Muslims will be forced to shave their heads and wear a red sash, in a land where the ringing of church bells is banned. [Click to view image: b89_1404048129-article-2673493-1F39E4D400000578-988_634_1404048169.jpg] Abu Waleed, 35, a leading preacher for a group banned last week for incitement to terrorism, was seen earlier this month at a barbecue in the Welsh capital where the banner of the Isis terror group – the Al Qaeda splinter group which the trio are fighting for – was flying. According to friends, former students Reyaad Khan, Nasser Muthana, both 20, and Muthana’s 17-year-old brother Aseel were seen handing out leaflets for a group closely linked to Waleed outside a Cardiff mosque seven months ago. Khan and Nasser appeared on an Isis recruitment video this month. [Click to view image: b89_1404048129-article-2673493-1F3A175300000578-33_634x_1404048169.jpg] Jobless Waleed – whose real name is Shahid Janjua – lives in a council house in Hounslow, West London, and claims benefits for himself, his wife and three disabled children. His group Need4khilafah, whose leader is Anjem Choudary, the firebrand who once led the Al-Muhajiroun group – banned after the deadly July 7 terror attacks in London in 2005 – dreams of the flag of Islam flying over Big Ben. The preacher adds that when Britain becomes Muslim, a Christian must open his house and accommodate a Muslim at all times, giving up his bed and sleeping on the floor. He tells the male audience: ‘What is the nightmare on Downing Street? The nightmare on Downing Street, my dear brothers, is when the door of 10 Downing Street is kicked down by one muwahid [Muslim], and the Caliph [Islamic ruler] he walks in, and establishes the sharia. ‘The nightmare on Downing Street, my dear brothers, is when one muwahid pulls a rope, and he raises the banner of “there is no god but Allah” above Big Ben. The nightmare on Downing Street is when one muwahid flies a helicopter all the way to the top of Big Ben, and he removes those numbers and he replaces them with Arabic numbers. [Click to view image: b89_1404048129-2355578_1404048167.jpg] SOURCE: dailymail Read more at liveleak/view?i=b89_1404048129#GugEUQFcPtdSioGP.99
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:55:45 +0000

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