livingwaters My apologies. I was wrong about gravity not - TopicsExpress


livingwaters My apologies. I was wrong about gravity not existing in space. According to scientists at Yale university: “We have all seen footage of astronauts floating freely in space, performing twists and turns that seem to defy gravity. As a result of these portrayals, many people believe that there is zero gravity in space. However, this statement could not be further from the truth. Gravity exists everywhere in the universe and is the most important force affecting all matter in space.”1. Up until today I was one of the many who believed that there is zero gravity in space. We live and learn—thanks to the many atheists who kindly corrected me. My friend PZ Meyers even headed his blog with “Ray Comfort is such a special little child of God,” quoted my error and added “Tell that to Newton. I wonder what keeps satellites in orbit, or the earth zipping around the sun, if they are hanging on ‘nothing.’”2. Sir Isaac Newton is the one who so wisely noted “Atheism is so senseless.” I will therefore try and make it a little clearer for those folks who pretend that God doesn’t exist. While there is invisible gravity in space (so much for “seeing is believing”), this massive earth hangs on nothing. It has no visible means of support--similar to the no means of support backing Darwinian evolution. If you think Darwinian evolution (as Richard Dawkins likes to call it) is scientific, take a few moments to watch PZ and other prominent evolutionary professors from UCLA and USC flounder like gasping fish on a desert floor, as they try and think of any evidence to back their unscientific belief. Someone said that Dawkins would “have a cow” when he saw EvG. He certainly did, tweeting about it five times: evolutionVsGod (over 1.7 million views). Notes: 1. 2. freethoughtblogs/pharyngula/2014/07/26/ray-comfort-is-such-a-special-little-child-of-god/
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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