lol, so does anyone else find it funny that rewritten former staff - TopicsExpress


lol, so does anyone else find it funny that rewritten former staff is counting me out, doubting me, and telling me to quit yet they claim they would love to see the games return? doesnt much seem to me if you try to talk someone out of bringing it back you really dont want it to come back, i mean if there is even a tiny chance at something so great why would you really down and criticize it.... i never downed them until they quit, and the only downing i did was in saying i dont see why we should thank them for failing, but ill be fair and show im the better person, to the former por staff: we all want to tell you how grateful we are that you let us all down, the fact that you took a flesh wound and stabbed it to make it a life or death cut shouldnt bother you guys at all, we arent hurt at all and have no reason to be mad at you even though you swore up and down multi ways that its release would be oct-feb..... so you guys should all feel great about it, dont even take to mind how badly you crushed everyone, our feelings arent important at all.... so we greatly thank you all, without you we wouldnt feel so down on what should be the happiest time of the year...... we thank you all in the highest for your failure...... and for those that thinks this thank you note to them sounds sarcastic? well i wont speak ether way on that question but i will tell you there is stronger chance that your probably right..... i cant thank them for trying, because they quit, they had a choice and they made that one, if you quit then your not trying, trying is only thank-able when you ether succeed or forced to stop trying, but they werent forced they just decided it was better for us if they did quit..... shouldnt we decide whats best for us???? if i came to such a point i would leave it to a vote of the people, if they thought i should press on then i would if they felt it was a loss cause well frankly i would press on anyway......
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:25:57 +0000

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