lol what I offer may not be as funny as the above satire but - TopicsExpress


lol what I offer may not be as funny as the above satire but what I offer needs to be said. Because behind all of the satire and laughter is a FEAR based propaganda pushing the envelope to the dopes all the time.... why? because the pendulum swinging to and fro between FEAR and LOVE seems to put we the sheeple into a trance state, ripe for sowing seeds of further discontent. When will the end of the world be? duh our Achilles heel called ignorance has already finished us off. :( duh isnt that obvious? I foresee this headline sometime in 2017 ~ the real culprit is finally identified. ~ Ignorance Rears Its Ugly Head Slays 6.5 billion Sheeple ~ duh I see zombies creating a pop CULTure that is still based on the colors red and white, mixed in with the red cross, the Christian Swiss flag, Templar Knights and Christian crusader mysteries, NaZis and swastikas too, and of course what CHRISTmas is all about? oy vey IF ever a conspiracy existed it would be the Jews helping the Christians promote a fake Christmas and the Muslim as evil. Ever hear of Holy-wood? https://youtube/watch?v=U8J5AolQZg0 duh I see zombies bringing their kids who have sponge brains to the mall sitting on Santa Satans lap starting in November. Sitting on the lap of the ADVERTISING meme dream, SEEDS are being sown, a picture is worth a thousand words ..... the wee ones are taking it all in. PhDUH the same Santa Satan who is in fact the result of Coca-Cola AD campaign which was created for ONE reason only. Santa Satan was created to capture your heart$, mind$, and to generate profit$ we can call je$u$ $alvator? (how many sheeple know that the dollar sign $ is a symbol for jesus salvator? geesh maybe it is time to get a grip sheeple? Now IF anybody wants to make a bet the world is going to end.....on Sept. 22, 2017 or before, who I AM is willing to take all bets. Only a fool would bet against the house that has been in control of the situation since about 4.5 billion years ago. (the earth is about 4.5 billion years old not 6000 thousand ~ though an awakening consciousness could be attributed to the Age of Taurus?) IF sheeple are willing to buy lottery tickets where the odds of winning a million dollars could be 13 million to 1, PhDUH do the math suckers, IF the earth is 4.5 billion years old, we would be 4.5 billion to 1 winners if it did end. So I AM taking bets regarding 2017. Who wants to place a wager? I AM is offering 10,000 to 1 odds the world does not end on or before Sept. 22, 2017. Minimum wager is $10,000. Now I know a sucker is born every minute, so there must be plenty of ye suckers out there willing to help ME+me feather my own nest? I could use 100 million of je$u$ $alvator bucks to help catapult me into a new reality show. I plan on leaving this world on Sept. 23, 2017 and could use 100 million dollars to start a new life with on the other side. Duh on the other side of the ledger is what I mean. So I AM is looking for the first 10 thousand suckers who have $10,000 to part with? I AM offering 10,000 to 1 odds. (I chose 10,000 because in China the swastika is linked to that number and also to the idea called infinity) The Christian majority and all other biblical chicken little minorities are already reporting and getting geared up for Sept. 22, 2017 as another END TIMES event to embrace and look forward too... :( How sad is that? Yes here we go again. btw SIN predicted the year 2060 A.D. would be the end of the world. The original SIN is of course Sir Isaac Newton. :) We must be blessed IF the world is going to end in our lifetimes? We must be if we can beat 4.5 billion to 1 odds. PhDUH but we are not blessed, we are cursed, because we are ignorant, and we deny our own ignorance. :o The really big show must go on, enter stage right, exit stage left....just like the sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and then ewe and me disappear and go to shleep and dream on? All the world is a stage and why does every punk generation FEAR the end of the world but ignore their own mortality every ignorant hop, skip, and quantum splat step of the way? It all ends with picking out a nice plot to end your tale? Amen I dont get it? To suggest the apocalypse meme could be something we the sheeple embrace whilst ignoring and coping with their own silly nilly mortality, eager and willing to bang the drums of war (ever hear of a crusade?) YET not willing to investigate IF there might be a connection between deep down KNOWING you are going to die, but you IGNORE it until the writing is on the wall? To not investigate the apocalypse meme in light of what Carl Jung offered us as profound insight, is .... stupid? By the way the end of the world apocalypse meme is attributed to mostly the Christians who embrace such an idea and have made it their mantra. Btw since Jesus was crucified how many from ALL flocks and tribes and CULTures have met their own apocalypse (end of the world) already? amazon/Apocalypse-A-History-End-Time-ebook/dp/B007C4FXUY A History of the End of Time Apocalypse written by John Michael Greer is a great summary of belief systems who actually covet the end of the world. So here I AM has shown profound links between Einsteins spooky action at a distance (entanglement), gravity, nano technology, the evolution of consciousness AND the swastika ... and we the sheeple embrace a Santa Satan Claus who was given birth in the 1930s? It appears Hitler + Santa + Satan + Swastika all captured the hearts and minds of a 1930s depression....? So postwar western consciousness a.k.a. we the sheeple kept Santa Satan Claus, and a bullshit story about Jesus BUT tossed out the swastika with the Hitler bath water that he used to baptize his volk/folk flock with? 2017 is about untangling the Entanglement. 2017 is about reading the fine print in the Clause about Satan Santa Claus and the SS jeSuS as both being a veil to hide the SS SwaStika. Clearly the End of the world is a suckers bet, I have proved that. So why do ye punks embrace the end of the world then? Go ahead list your self serving reasons why my world from my POV should end based on a Christian patri-idiot POV that loves to live and die by the gun? EWE lost ME+me already.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:02:54 +0000

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