long but try to read to the end and u will surely be - TopicsExpress


long but try to read to the end and u will surely be blessed Genesis 13:8-13 NLT Finally Abram said to Lot, Lets not allow this conflict to come between us or our herdsmen. After all, we are close relatives! [9] The whole countryside is open to you. Take your choice of any section of the land you want, and we will separate. If you want the land to the left, then Ill take the land on the right. If you prefer the land on the right, then Ill go to the left. [10] Lot took a long look at the fertile plains of the Jordan Valley in the direction of Zoar. The whole area was well watered everywhere, like the garden of the Lord or the beautiful land of Egypt. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) [11] Lot chose for himself the whole Jordan Valley to the east of them. He went there with his flocks and servants and parted company with his uncle Abram. [12] So Abram settled in the land of Canaan, and Lot moved his tents to a place near Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain. [13] But the people of this area were extremely wicked and constantly sinned against the Lord. musoro weshoko nhasi ndauti greener pastures and our reading up there shows lot and Abram vari pamwe but they were now too rich and prosperous they had accumulated lots of cattle and the land yanga isingachakwana to contain them both and Abram took the initiative he said lets separate cousin hona vafudzi vedu vakugarorwa kurwira mafuro so Abram gave lot first choice hanzi choose kwaunoda Lot. ndati vafudzi vemombe vaAbraham naLot vakatanga kunetsana over mafuro. Space yava shoma, mombe dzawandisa, so there was a competition in life there is always competition. Vakomana vari serious vanoda zveMarriage they are now few, so inenge iri competition yega yega vasikana vacho vandingati wife material, they are now few, mabasa they are now few, pekugara iShortage yega yega competition yega yega inokonzerwa neShortage, so at the end of the day munhu anopedzisira ava kutsvaga maGreener pastures, he ends up looking for some other source yeChinhu chaari kuda.That’s what happened between Abraham and Lot. Abram akaudza Lot kuti hona vafudzi varikunetsana and ini newe tiri hama nehama and this is not good, so to solve problem iyi iwewe tanga kusarudza area yaunoda kunogara, and ini I will go kwausina kusarudza. If you go the left ini ndichaenda kuright and if you go to the right ini ndichaenda kuLeft. Ipapa apa ndipo pakaita nyaya. CHOICES. inosvika nguva muLife yekuti you have to make a choice, uri iwe Lot haugone kusarudza kuti ndinoda kugara everywhere, left right and centre, north, east, west and south. You must make a choice Iripo nguva muhupenyu yekuti you have to make a choice you cant choose zvinhu zvese. You have to choose kuti ndinoda mukadzi mutete kana murefu, murume ane mari kana asina, you cant have both, whether to work in Zimbabwe or diaspora. Hobho maOptions atinosangana nawo muLife and haugone kuti utore ese ka1. But the biggest mistake yaungaite is to choose a greener pasture, nzvimbo iri nani pameso ako but yakaipa paMweya. Just like mistake yakaitwa naEve, akaona kuti muchero uyu unofadza meso and wakanaka kuti ndiudye because I will be able to know good and evil, somebody shout choices. mmmmm anoda Jesu Eve considered maBenefits ekudya muchero but she didn’t consider kuti Mwari vanofara here nezvandiri kuda kuita izvi. Ndiyo problem yekuti you consider maBenefits echinhu but you don’t consider the spiritual side of the choice unoona musikana anoda kuroorwa nemukomana ane mari rather than kuroorwa nemukoma waanzi naMwari aroorwe naye. Ivo vakomana vanodawo musikana ane body or face yakanaka instead yekuda musikana waapihwa naMwari. the greener pastures error, mistake yekusarudza something nekuti chinogutsa nyama yako rather than kuti chigutse mweya wako. Lot akaudzwa naAbram kuti sarudza area yaunoda kuenda, he lifted his eyes achibva atarisa kune bani reJordan. First mistake yaLot is this one: Bible rinoti we walk by faith and not by sight, but iye anoda kufamba nemeso. Akashandisa maziso ake kutsvaga area yakanaka, rather than kuti anamate kuna Mwari so that he can be shown area yekugara. Akashandisa meso epanyama rather meso epamweya. Don’t make this mistake yekuti unoshandisa nyama yako to make a decision rather than kushandisa mweya wako. Mukomana wawafunga kuti udanane naye uyu, what is it chakutuma is it meso ako epanyama anoona mota yake and the nice suits he wears or it’s the spiritual eyes which have shown you kuti his heart is rich of love. Church yawafunga kupinda iyi, haazi meso ako epanyama arikukutuma kupinda church iyoyo here because waona uniform yakanaka inopfekwa ikoko or mota dzakanaka dzinopakwa ikoko or it’s the spiritual eyes akuratidza kuti iyi ndiyo church yekuenda. We move by faith and not by sight, rega kunyengedzwa nezvinooneka. The 2nd mistake yakaitwa naLot was to make a quick decision, haana kupedza nguva zhinji achinyatsofunga side rekutora. He just looked around and after that achibva asarudza side rekuenda. Haana kana kumbotora time yekuti anamate abvunze Mwari kuti ndosarudza area ipi. maDecisions auri kumaker aya, hauzi uri kumhanya here, have you taken time to pray about it and ask GOD. Business rawafunga kuda kuita iri, have you prayed about it, kana kungoti uri kungomhanya to make that decision Hona, rega kuda kuzonamata kana wamaker choice yako, but namata before wamaker choice so that GOD guides you. usade kuti Mwari vakwane kwane muProgram dzako but iwewe ndiwe unofanira kukwana kwana muPrograme dzavo. Lot achitarisa bani reJordan akaona riine mvura kwese it was well watered, just like the garden of The Lord. He was attracted nekusvibira kwesora and mvura yaivako. There are things, places, people, choices which are so attractive. Uchinyatso mutarisa mukoma wacho you see kuti uyu anoita uyu, he drives a good car, ane mari yake, he is handsome muchimutarisa musikana wacho, she looks attractive, unonyatsoona kuti iyi izsimbi iyi. Uchinyatsotarisa company yacho yaunoda kushanda unotsaoona kuti yah, apa pakarongeka apa. Uchiitarisa church yacho unonyatsoona kuti panoyevedza panoratidza kuti pane vanhu vane mari. But chinzwa unzwe yes that area is attractive but ndiko kune Sodom and Gomorrah. Ndiko kune hungochani Yes she might be attractive but pfungwa dzake dzakaLoader chipfambi, yes he is rich but ndezve mishonga and hutsinye ndihwo huri mumoyo make. that company is good paying, that country has a better economy but kwakazara huipi hwakapisisisa, dangerous danger. Yes set up yekuChurch yacho is attractive, but havasi kunamata Mwari pazvokwadi. Lot considered mafuro akasvibira nemvura achibva anyatsoona kuti uku ndiko kunoita kuti mombe dzangu nemakwai zviwane good diet. iArea yakanakira zvipfuwo zvako but its dangerous to you nekuti kunogara vanhu vane huipi. Yes yakanaka company yaunoda kushanda, it pays handsomely but hona manje team yaunenge uchishanda nayo, vakadzi vanouya kubasa vari half naked vachikuisa pamiyedzo to the extent yekuti they propose love to you Hongu inopa maCompany cars but hona maManagers aripo, ukaramba kurara navo they will fire you. wallet yako inofuta neSalary but mweya wako uri paDanger, the level of satanism ine varidzi veCompany iyi will definetily bring you down. Iwe Lot rega kungofunga zveMombe dzako but think about your soul. maGreen pastures auri kuda aya, have you considered maEffects acho kuLife yako as a Christian or you just considered mari yaunowana .Do you know kuti satan anogona kukupa basa paine imwe company yekuti he knows kuti havakupe nguva yekunamata, 7 days a week vachikushandisa, everyday uchipedza very late and basa rakafasa zvekuti kana nguva yekuti uverenge Bible kana kunamata you wont get it. to the extent yekuti vanokupa laptop yekuti uende nayo kumba so that uriko kumba ikoko you will be working chete chete. Hongu you get a 4 figure salary but the devil is happy nekuti you wont get time naMwari wako. Anoigona staira iyoyo, so rega kuita maPrayers ekuti you want a good paying job, but pray so that GOD gives you a job which affords you time to pray. Zvirinani kugara murenje uina Mwari than kugara in a greener pasture but uina satan. Its better to be married to a husband who earns $400 a month but paine true love than to be married to a husband who earns $10 000 a month but achikuCheater, kukurova, achienda kuN’anga every month. zvirinani kushanda paCompany yaunowana salary shoma but uchiona nguva yekuenda kuChurch and paine maWorkmates anonamata who also build you up spiritually. Than to work paCompany yekuti you earn much but hauna off, and even paLunch hour hauna nguva yekunamata nekuti basa rakawanda and you work with vanhu vari evil zvekuti they bring you down spiritually. Proverbs 17:1 Better is a dry crust of bread where there is quietness than a house full of feasting with strife. Yes you might get the money but you can not use it to get your way to heaven. Lot achisarudza nzimbo iyi akabva aenda kunogara ikoko. Ndinoda kuti ubate point iyi: Lot haana kugara kuSodom, ahh ahh that’s wrong, akagara pedyo neSoddom Not in Sodom but toward Sodom, near Sodom, pedyo neSodom. Yah zvinogona kuita kunge it’s a clever decision yekuti waona kuti Sodom is bad so rega hangu ndisapinde ikoko but let me pitch my tent near Sodom, handipinde hangu but ndinogara pedyo. But ukaramba uchienda mberi panonaiswa moto unozonzwa kuchinzi Lot akatiza kuSodom. Anga akutsvagei muSodom, zvichireva kuti its either iyo soddom ndiyo yakaswedera kwaari or ndiye akaswedera kwayiri and he became part of it. maFirst days paunoAssociater neArea yakaipa or vanhu vakaipa, unogona kuzviita wakangwara uchitambira kure nawo but ukaramba uri ikoko, its either vachakuswedzedza pedyo or ndiwe uchaswedera kwavari. Iko kuBhawa kwaunoenda kunotamba snooker, yes at first unogona kutambira kure neBeer or pfambi dzeko, but one day tichikuona waCatcher pfambi idzodzo. Lot pitched his tents toward soddom but later on akazoonekwa akutiza muSoddom mava kunaya moto. Root yeNyaya yatangira pakutsvaga a greener pasture, area yakanakira pfuma yako but iyo yakaipira mweya wako. Uri kure zvinoita kunge zvinoyevedza but when you come closer uchaona kuipa kwazvo. Uri kure unoona mafuro manyoro and unogona kutoimba Psalms 23 Jehovah ndiye mufudzi wangu anondivatisa pamafuro manyoro Jesu pana Mark 11:13 akaona aFig tree ari kure uine mashizha but achisvika pedyo akaona pasina kana maFruits. From afar you could see the green leaves but when you are closer you see kuti hapana maFruits. From afar you can see yourself muchichata, and but when you are closer, kana mava muMarriage uchaona hapana maFruits, there is no joy. Vazhinji vari kuchema right now nekuda kwenyaya iyoyi. From afar you see maProfits paDeal renyu but when you are closer you see there are no fruits, patorine hobho hobho yemaDockets avhurwa kuti musungwe. from afar you can see her beauty and body shape, but when closer ndipo paunozona kuti hapana maFruits, its only the leaves, hapana love but chipfambi chega chega. from afar you can see how fancy the church is, how fancy the cars which are parked outside, how fancy the people dress but kana wava closer you then see kuti there are no fruits of the Holy spirit. Hapana huMwari, its just a social gathering. maybe even satanic ko zvakada kufanana ka saka zvakanzi regai zvikurirane So whatever it is chaunoita muLife, whatever decision yaunotora, rega kuyevedzwa nezvinhu zvinofadza meso kana nyama but tungamirwa naMwari, tungamirwa neshoko ravo. Enda kumaGreener pastures kana Mwari vachinge vakubvumidza, rega kuenda ikoko nekuti wafunga mari, but enda nekuti ndiMwari vati uende. get me ryt i didnt say greener pastures are bad not but all that glitters is not always gold nzira yekugehena yakapamhamha so pray for spiritual eyes ko asingade zvakanaka ndiani but let God guide i Murenje mauri kushora umu ziva kuti Mwari vane record yekunayisa manna for 40 years. So as long uina Mwari don’t be worried about murenje mauri, GOD can sustain your needs, even Mwari vakakupa mukomana ane bhasikoro iwe uchida ane mota, don’t worry, GOD will sustain your marriage Begin to move by faith and not by saith, if you want to go for greener pastures, make sure kuti ndiMwari vakutungamira than kuronga kwako. Mwari werugare akukomborerei vakuru as u make any choice be it big or small consult with him then u will enjoy your greener pastures or your desert coz abram aenda kusiri greener he was blessed akanzi this whole land is yours from here to where your eyes can see i love this God ayayaya anosimudza zvakazvidzika anoisa mvura mugwenga anovhura road munyanza consult him mukundi and u will never go wrong muzita raJesu
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:23:17 +0000

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