macquirelatory/Marriage%20License%20Truth.htm Marriage - TopicsExpress


macquirelatory/Marriage%20License%20Truth.htm Marriage License Do you really understand the history & the real meaning of getting a marriage license? When it comes to marriage in the United States of America, there are procedures and standards for marriage that one must follow, in which one of those procedures is to acquire a marriage license. Many people go about following the steps outlined for marriage according to the State, without ever knowing the reasoning or history or legal aspect of what they are doing. The word license is derived from the Latin word Licentious, which means lacking restraint, ignoring societal standards, disregard for accepted rules. According to Blacks Law Dictionary, the word license is defined as - the permission by competent authority to do an act which without such permission, would be illegal. Now in other words, this means the government makes something that was lawful to do, illegal, so they can then tell you that if you pay the government money (which is a bribe), then they will turn their backs and give you a permit that allows you to break the law that they just said was illegal to do! So the question that people need to ask themselves, is why would it be illegal to marry without the States permission? This question is rarely brought up or addressed because people have grown so custom, to following the laws and statutes and commandments of man, rather than those of the Most High. Lets examine the history of marriage license in America, and see how it came about, why it came about, and why the government and states enforce this system of enslavement upon the people. See what the people fail to realize with these procedures for marriage given by the Government unto States is that, when you marry with a marriage license, you grant the State jurisdiction over your marriage. When you marry with a marriage license, your marriage is a creature of the State, it is a corporation of the State, therefore, they have jurisdiction over your marriage including the fruit of your marriage, in which the fruit of your marriage is your children and every piece of property you own. When you marry with a marriage license, you are not just marrying your spouse, but you are also marrying the State. With This Ring I Thee Wed, is of the state and is found in most county courthouses in many States. That phrase was published by the State Bar Association. They dont tell you that when you repeat your vows, you enter into a legal contract, in which there are three parties to that contract, with the first being you, the second being the person you are marrying, and the third being the State you marry in. See the State and the lawyers know that when you marry with a marriage license, you are not just marrying your spouse, you are marrying the State, thus giving undue jurisdiction to the State. The marriage license invades and removes the Most High given parental authority. When you read the Bible, you see that the Most High intended for children to have their father’s blessing regarding whom they married. Daughters were to be given in marriage by their fathers (Dt. 22:16; Ex. 22:17; I Cor. 7:38). Why do you think when couples get married today, the father is suppose to be present to walk his daughter down the aisle? See man knows what the word of the Most High says, so he incorporates a little of it into his own agenda and personal desire, to give his method of marriage some credibility. It is a known fact that, there was no requirement to obtain a marriage license in colonial America, nor in the bible. When you read the laws of the colonies and then the states, you see only two requirements for marriage, with the first being that, you had to obtain your parents permission to marry, and second, you had to post public notice of the marriage 5-15 days before the ceremony. In the bible, the man had to obtain the fathers permission, abide with the father and do some work as payment for marrying his daughter, leave his father in laws house and prepare a place for his soon to be wife to live, and after a year, he would return and take unto him his wife, marriages were also put on public notice in advance. You wont find nowhere in the bible where a man ever decided to take a wife, and had to go buy a engagement ring or wedding ring, nor will you find where a man had to acquire a marriage license, nor will you find where a man had to go before a preacher, or county clerk or sheriff or county judge just to be married, this Pagan doctrine was instituted by man, to replace the parental right of the Father, with the philosophy of man. Why do you think the man is sought after for child support and spouse support? The government knows how to break down a man, and replace him with Welfare and child support as being his childrens father, they do as Satan did with Eve and put the woman over the man, therefore crippling him not only financially, but spiritually, by putting him in a position as the weaker vessel and subject to the authority of his wife, thats totally against the order of the Most High.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:16:10 +0000

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