many are saying Robin Williams had it made, what did he have to be - TopicsExpress


many are saying Robin Williams had it made, what did he have to be depressed over..... and such or even if not speaking outloud, it is a question they ask. having fought the demon of darkness I have learned much. what so many do NOT UNDERSTAND...........depression RARELY HAS ANYTHING to do with your circumstances, yes there are what are called circumstantial depression, brought on by circumstances and is temporary. But then there is the darkness. It is something that is most often caused by a chemical imbalance.. NO ONE can see it. and most times even your closest loved ones can not detect it. Most people who live with the darkness keep it to themselves. the stigma that surrounds it makes it even more hidden. Say your down and what do people say... Why are you depressed? what reason do you have to be depressed, What is wrong with you, you are so blessed, etc, etc etc. if it was ONLY about circumstances, then those who have much would never be down and those who have troubles would be in the worse shape. You can have full peace in the worst of circumstances and you can be in the deepest of darkness in what seems the ideal circumstances. UNTIL people begin to accept that it is a REAL ILLNESS, NOT JUST IN ONES HEAD, quit asking stupid questions if someone FINALLY finds the courage to say, I a feeling down, blue, depressed, whatever way they express it......PLEASE listen and not assume it is JUST A PHASE. It is the reaction to those they may finally reach out to that will help determine if there is a chance for healing. I believe it has to be multi part, the Spiritual, the physical and the emotional RARELY does someone commit or contemplate suicide because they want to die, but sometimes the pain is so great, death seems the ONLY way to end it. I personally have NEVER wanted to die, but I have known a pain so great I ONLY WANTED IT TO LEAVE! 2 things kept me from choosing that path. My Children and knowing I would have to stand before God and tell Him He was not enough. do I still battle the darkness today, yes, sometimes, but NEVER with the intensity of before. I learned that my value is in Christ Jesus and no matter HOW the world sees me, I DO have value, even when I feel useless. I have seen that even when I feel I can NOT, God has shown me I can.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:22:47 +0000

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