many people confuse spiritual maturity ( character) with - TopicsExpress


many people confuse spiritual maturity ( character) with annointing. annointing has nothing to do with character. although you are required to have christian character to sustain the annointing. many people think that when you are annointed, God agrees with everything you do. well, Gods gifts and callings can not be reversed. God can never change his mind. he has no shadow of changing. you may be very annointed, but with a very bad character, and you still function. at this stage, God is not looking at your current state, but he is using you in spite of your behaviour. although on earth you may retain your church position, in eternity, you may be disqualified: Jesus talks of people who he said to: depart from me doers of iniquity.... not sinners! but they said we healed the sick, raised the dead, etc in your name. he insisted no i never knew you... meaning i have never been in contact with you nor seen you before. your character( how you react when under pressure) is more important than your public display of righteousness . we judge maturity by how godlike you respond to issues , not base don how long you have been saved!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:20:44 +0000

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