mardels musing......Today this musing is being written early so - TopicsExpress


mardels musing......Today this musing is being written early so some of you may be receiving two musings if you havent checked your yesterdays mail or facebook. I am sending this musing out to those who are on my facebook account there because this computer only allows me to send out certain numbers of e-mails at one time. I feel that today God wants me to continue on with the thoughts He gave me yesterday which where found in John 5. I will write out the first 7 verses from the New King James version which is titled in my Bible The Healing at the Pool. 1) Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews. 2) Now there is in Jerusalem near the Strong Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 3) Here a great number of disabled people used to lie.. 4) the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. 5) One who had been laying there had been an invalid for 38 years. 6) When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, He asked him, Do you want to get well? 7) Sir, the invalid replied, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. When I am trying to get in, someone goes down ahead of me. This is as far as we are going today because I want you to think of this mans frustration. He cant get to the pool for his healing because some one else goes ahead of him. How many of us feel like that? Frustrated because we cant get our healing. 38 years is a long time and some of us suffer that long....or maybe even longer. But the point I want to make here is that we must not give up. There is a miracle right around the corner. But we have to been in a place where we can receive our miracle. Dont give up on God. Have a great day knowing God loves you and so do I. .................................................................................................................................... Father in heaven: Thank You for Your Word and the encouragement we can find in it. Thank You for Jesus and the example He gave us on how to live. Thank You that because of His death You have reserved a place in heaven for us. Fill us to overflowing today with Your Holy Spirit and give us the mind of Christ. Open our spiritual ears so we can hear Your still, small voice...and open our spiritual eyes so we can see where you are working and join You there. Give us everything we need today so we can do those things that You have for us to do. Lead us in paths of righteousness for Your names sake. I ask all in the name of Jesus. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:43:34 +0000

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