mary: choosing the better Www.shereadstruth Text: Luke - TopicsExpress


mary: choosing the better Www.shereadstruth Text: Luke 10:38-42, John 11; John 12:1-8 If ever there was a Biblical woman who exemplifies whom Christ calls us to be in Him, it’s Mary of Bethany. We get glimpses of her in three separate instances in the gospels, and every time we do, Mary chooses the better.When we see her at the feet of the Lord, while Martha rushes about in a tizzy, we see her choosing the better (Luke 10:41, NIV). Mary isn’t choosing to please people or avoid conflict. Mary isn’t giving into peer pressure. Mary has a laser focus when it comes to being in the presence of the Lord and no amount of “things to be done!” or griping sisters is going to take her away from Him.When we see her after Lazarus has died, after she and Martha have asked Jesus to come, and yet still their brother died, we see her choosing the better (John 11:29). Mary rushes to Jesus, and though she acknowledges that His presence could have prevented Lazarus’ death (v.32), she runs to Him without bitterness (no “Why didn’t you come?”) and without expectation (no “What are you going to do now?), but simply to put herself in the arms of the Great Comforter. And He grieves alongside her (John 11:35, NIV).When we see her on one of Jesus’ final days, when others are objecting to humbly and lavishly giving to Him, we see her choosing the better (John 12:3, NIV). Mary doesn’t save her riches or worry about what others must think, she unabashedly pours incredibly expensive perfume over Jesus’ feet and wipes them with her hair. Despite protests, she says nothing. She feels no need to defend her act of love.In each of these instances, Mary chooses the better.God’s word isn’t here just to give us gut checks or make us squirmy. And it certainly isn’t here to give us a magnifying glass to hold up and inspect each other’s shortcomings. God’s word gives us a mirror and a choice. Let us choose to be in the Lord’s presence over pleasing people. Let us find comfort in Him in our times of deepest grief, without bitterness and without expectation. Let us honor Him with all that we have and all that we are, no matter the cost. Let us choose the better.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:25:20 +0000

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