masculinity zine (you dont have to be male) Ive been wanting to - TopicsExpress


masculinity zine (you dont have to be male) Ive been wanting to put out a zine about positive masculinity for awhile, but was never sure how to focus it. Recently I was reading a bell hooks book where she was talking about her grandfather, really detailed, sweet aspects of him. and also a book of hers talking about how important it is to recognize the positive male role models we have now or had growing up - even if they were not perfect role modes. Let me know if youd like to be a part of this zine Im putting together. Changing patriarchal masculinity. A lot of us know someone who somehow challenged the stereotype of patriarchal masculinity, even if they didnt challenge it in every way. Im looking for stories – you dont have to be able to really even tell a story, and you dont have to write a story – because I know that most people dont have the time to really sit down and write. What Im thinking is I could interview people. You could answer one or more of these questions: 1. Did you, as a child or teen, have anyone in your life who challenged patriarchal masculinity in any way – for example, wasnt afraid to cry or show affection. (even if they were patriarchal in other ways) 2.Did/do you have a male role model, either a real person in your life or a public/artistic figure. What aspects of that person inspires you. 3. Describe an event or moment when you realized you had to cut off some aspect of yourself in order to conform with social or family expectations of what it meant to “be a man” (or, if they did not see you as male but you did, a time when you had to suppress your true self in order to fit as not a man) 4. Describe a time or event when you defied social expectations of what it means to be “a man.” This could be one moment or a whole life shift. Options for how the story would be told: 1. I could interview you (in person or over the phone or web chat) and then create a written story from the information, which you then would have the chance to look over and change or approve. 2. I could interview you (in person or over the phone or web chat) and then transcribe the interview word for word. 3. You could write it Also, if you are doing the role model question and have any images of the person, Id love to have a copy to reprint. I know it can be strangely scary to think about these things, but we really need to begin to articulate a vision of positive masculinity. “The crisis facing men is not the crisis of masculinity, it is the crisis of patriarchal masculinity. Until we make this distinction clear, men will continue to fear that any critique of patriarchy represents a threat...” – bell hook
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 02:00:16 +0000

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