maybe i have a little to much time on my hands this morning before - TopicsExpress


maybe i have a little to much time on my hands this morning before work or i think way to much or a little of both...i am showing my age with these ramble i keep seeing 2 commercials repeatedly this morning.. 1. we trash to many plastic bottles, use glass! (the jist of the commercial) wasnt it not to long ago where we were bombarded with the change over from glass to plastic? carry a plastic bottle of water wherever we go, we might dehydrate away from home while running cases upon cases of spring water, purified water, but wait, dont freeze or reuse these plastic bottles because the chemicals that are released from the plastic bottles can cause cancer or some other stuff. so the healthy spring water is being stored in a plastic bottle if used improperly may cause harm to us? (i sometimes think there are sweatshops in some foreign country filling one bottle at a time with a hose using their tap water) i am an occasional rebel and drink tap water from a glass. plastic bags? i laugh because someone invented a plastic bag caddy which is also made of plastic to store the used ones, usually overflowing out of those little holes. i have been to a few homes that have these and i am sure you are one of them lol. every chance i get i will choose to use the old paper bag at the grocery store (paper is easier to recycle) and those many cloth bags to save the environment are often left at home tucked away neatly on my shelf. 2. technology, talk text, dictate to your PC (look ma, no hands thing) no hands needed, you get to talk, omg we get to use our voices again. for awhile there i was losing hope in the world. with all the silent texting and only hearing our fingers click away on our keyboards. now we can speak, dictate to our screens. (one day, we will eventually get back to conversing face to face again) remember nextel?, the chirp sound back and forth? big and bulky? then cell phones became smaller, keyboard smaller, those little pens (stylus?) you could slip them in your pocket, now i guess someone figured out the strain on the human eyeballs was causing damaged so lets go big again (i swear i saw a woman yesterday what appeared to be a paper back book attached to ear having a conversation) my point to this huge ramble (yes, there is a point) before inventing, discovering can we just think and rethink these discoveries. i feel like its a huge circle, im getting dizzy.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:04:53 +0000

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