me and 2 of my friends went to bow rd magistrates court and i took - TopicsExpress


me and 2 of my friends went to bow rd magistrates court and i took on council tax officials and prosecuter and the magistrate,and the magistrate had to stand down.heres what happened. i got into the court i had to empty all my pockets and bags as im alergic to the scanner which then caused a long queue,i had the security man lauthing away,i gets up stairs where others are waiting to pay as they were all being questioned by council tax officials,i left a few notes from about how not to pay council tax summons=invitations,i also left a few notes on dodgy satanist judges and politicians as well.turns out i was the only one having some lunch as well,i also kept getting a lot of stares as well, i guess thats because i had a vest and shorts on and on the vest was written= saxe coburg gotha this is what the queen told paul burrell dianas butler there are powers at work in this counrty about which we have no knowledge=illuminati.later they got to see me,but the unamed man who didnt introduce himself to me as he was asking why am i here,why is he asking me stupid questions like that? about me wanting to pay up or to stop the liability,even tho i told him they dont exist these liability orders,and as i said to him i sent the town hall and council tax offices last wk a 12 page letter stating my case along with documents of the fraud being carried out against me,but he didnt know anything about that he kept lauthing of which told me he is so under the work and mind contol of what to say or not say,so i said to him as he was smiling at me,-did you know that the waltham forest borough council is a private corporation, and that the c-tax goes to common purpose,-quongo. and also the e/u to fund the wars,gold plated pensions,snooping, the state stealing pee-pols children,gagging orders,hips,secret funds,experian,data-tank,icelandic internet banks,equita,stakeholders of the birth certificate bond,contracts with bailiffs,capita who collect the c-tax and v.o.a of which 2 jags and 2 shags prescott was in charge of. later i had another man come upto me,of which i had to drag any any info, out of him,i told him off for not educating me of what to expect in this court of commerce even tho it says its a court of justice and law,well thats a lie for a start,but i knew better,so he said to me he was the delegated legal prosecuter i felt like i was living out a bible drama here,i said do you work for the court,he said no,he works for the council,he later said to me do you belong to those freeman on the land groups i said no but i know what they are talking about and i use that knowledge,i then said thats a nice scent your wearing and patting him on the back his female colleages ears pricked up as she didnt look at me,but did after that,i got her to smile as well. after a long wait of which made me a bit nervous, i got b4 the magistrate as everyone had gone,and i was the last man standing for this legal war, i guess i was the only one contesting, as everyone decided to pay i gets into the courtroom i shouted hi boss to the magistrate and then said i know you as i recognised him from the walthamstow library where he as a jew did his studies on law=legal bollox legalese.was he a rothschilds? who knows? he then said without introducing himself saying he has to stand later on the woman clerk whom i called gorgous asked me my name i said,as i was standing outside the dock and with my back turned to her and trying to relax as well. are you trying to get me to contract with you as your mate the prosecuter already told you my name as she tried to get me into the dock=box=admiralrty laws,so it got adjourned to july the 23rd i tried to get the 4 pee-pol in that courtroom to admit who they were as well,as i thought that was impolite of them not to introduce was a great educating moment for me,as i stood upto the bullying tactics displayed.and left a bit of light and love,even tho i dont think they knew who they were dealing with,someone like me. so anyone who wants to take on the courts then do it,take back the power each of us has,but be careful of the black magic words they might use,im not totally sure at the moment that i didnt contract with them because she noted my name down from the prosecuter.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 18:37:23 +0000

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