medcezir Episode 9 part 2 18 Νοεμβρίου 2013 στις - TopicsExpress


medcezir Episode 9 part 2 18 Νοεμβρίου 2013 στις 11:00 π.μ. Yaman: It turns out that there was an arabesque switch in his head. When that switch was pressed in the fireside, it started to come out of the recording… but if you saw how many he knows… Who knows where did he listen those songs and memorized them from before. Mira: Maybe he listens to them from internet Yaman: Yes, all his life passes in front of the computer. Uncle Selim told us many stories tonight, he is a king man! Slowly, slowly they are accepting me even more. I feel like they trust me. Do you know, today he called me “Son” to someone. Mira: Really, how nice! Yaman: He didn’t say it just for the sake of conversation. It’s obvious it came spontaneously. I love those people so much Mira: But you try to escape from them at every turn… Yaman: It has nothing to do with them. That’s my way! I am mistrustful… My dad shifted away from my life out of the blue, what else? Maybe I always try to runaway because of that, to escape before being abandoned. I think that everyone can abandon me very easily. Mira: No… Yaman: The arabesques didn’t enter inside Mert only, it also spread to me Mira: These are always with turnips Yaman: Yes… Mira: Do you know how to dance this? Yaman: No, I can’t dance Mira: But, I swear it’s very easy Yaman: OK, it’s easy but I can’t dance Mira: Once we went with Beren when Elif’s sister was getting married, they taught me it then. It’s very beautiful. Come on, don’t clamp yourself , no one sees you, look. I will teach you. Look how it goes, do you know? Look...Come on, let’s dance there, please! Yaman: No… Mira: Nothing will happen. Come on please! Yaman: It will be a shame to people Mira: It won’t be, come on! Yaman: Shall we go now? We are going, good night… Bride: It can’t be, I will be offended. Groom: You can’t escape so early, come on, continue… Mira singing: Even if it’s hard, probably I am coming back to you You say “come” right away you don’t call me when you pass Somewhere between Earth and sky Yaman: You can’t know me Mira: I love you and I don’t tell it Together: You consider me distant I know I don’t listen to advices Ah where can I put myself Shall I hide somewhere and cry Ah where I can find myself Shall I go to the seaside and dream Mira: Finally I got rid of my shackles, I eased off, I can tell easily what I feel now. Yaman: I am happy for you…actually I feel relieved that you walked away from that man but again this wasn’t you decision. Mira: What do you mean? How “it’s not my decision”? Yaman: If the nastiness that blighter did wouldn’t come out he would propose you Mira. Would you accept? Mira: There won’t be a meaning for you even if I say “No” Yaman: Bless you! Thank you for everything. Bride: Where are you going? Yaman: It’s late, we will go. May God give you happiness! Mira, Mira, Mira wait…Mira listen to me. Of course it means a lot to know this but… Mira: I don’t like sentences which start with “but”, Yaman! Look, there is no need for something to start between us. I don’t see it necessary to name this either… I am also trying to understand what I want slowly, I am finding myself just now. Look, I have just realized that I can breathe out of my aquarium. I don’t want to prove anything to anyone. If something happens naturally, it happens… if it doesn’t happen it means it is not happening. It’s OK like this. Yaman: I want your head to be completely clear, this is all! Mira: What are you saying? There is a huge AVM in my head, nothing can be so clear anymore Yaman: Mira: OK, I was kidding. I had a whale of time today. It was a night I couldn’t imagine at all. Thank you! Yaman: Everything is a surprise with you. Mira: Good night! Yaman: Good night! = = = Selim: Why didn’t you tell me Ender? Yaman: Bread with eggs smell, you have added love to it also Yaman: Man stop, go and waken up your dad, these have to be eaten warm Mert: My dad is not here, he is out Yaman: Wow! Mert: Where is Suzi? She has the day off today. Yaman: She has things to do to the insurance. Take these too. Come on lion, sate yourself! Mert: Light tea… You cut it symmetrically Yaman: Put honey to your bread… Mert: I can see you are in a good mood. Did you dream with Mira at night? Look, I remember all the giin torture you did to me, let me tell you my revenge will be very painful… Yaman: What can you do man? Mert: I don’t know, keep one eye opened while sleeping! Yaman: Pardon bro! Mert: What did you do? Did you sleep right away after me last night? Yaman: I went to a wedding… Mert: Oh really!? Which wedding? Really? Yaman: Yes… Hello! Giray: Hello Yaman… It’s Giray. Yaman: Aren’t you in jail, you squirmed out of it so quickly. Giray: I will have a trial Yaman: Why are you still calling me man? Giray: Bro look, I beg on you for the sake of our old friendship bear witness in my favor to the court Yaman: Ah yes, anything else? Giray: Bro you know it too, it’s not my fault, I didn’t do anything, Mehmet shot that man. Yaman: So you are saying, let’s put forth Mehmet together. Man, you brought the weapon, if not for using it why did you bring your dad’s weapon then? Giray: Look Yaman, bro, look my good brother, you are nervous too but I honestly didn’t know that the girl was so young. I swear I didn’t know it, I swear. If I knew I would never have a relation, I swear. Yaman: Stop it man, shut up! I won’t be a sham witness for you. Don’t call me again and don’t come here! Do you understand? Giray: Man you are accustomed so much with comfort, it’s obvious. You like staying in safe homes and gardens, right man? Soon you will go out of that door anyways Yaman: What happens if I get out man? What happens man? Animal! What are you going to do at me? If you want I will come by your side, what will happen? Giray: You will see, you will see Yaman: What man, tell me! Hello… He is still asking for a favor from me Mert: Dealer! It didn’t work even here? Change your number then so they won’t disturb you like this. Giray: Look man, I swear if I go to jail ****, that Yaman ***** I will enter like this Man: OK, don’t be nervous! Giray: No, No, I am very serious, if that jerk didn’t appear everything would be different. Because of him I am in so many troubles. His elder brother ends, his brother starts, what an annoying ***** family Man: If you give such a damn, let’s think for a formula for both of them = = = Nevin: Kenan, how are you son? Are you OK, in a good health? Kenan: I am fine, what can I do, here is always the same. The news comes from you. What’s up from Yaman? He isn’t around, again. Nevin: Your brother was accepted in university. He will study with a 100% scholarship. Kenan: Wow, there was a benefit from the theft, do you see? It turns out that I robbed that car to save my brother’s life. Hasan: By God, you’re a great man! One month more is gone, a little is left, you will get out soon. Kenan: Does it look like that from there? Nevin: Kenan you asked for a book, I left to the guards. Kenan: Money? Hasan: We give it in too. Kenan:Good, thanks! I have the opportunity to think a lot here, I have some work plans in my head. If I have the good luck, when I get out maybe I can also find somewhere a 100% scholarship, right? Nevin: Ayse said that she wrote a letter to you, did you get it? Kenan: I got it, I got it. I wrote that somewhere in the edge Nevin: Don’t talk like this Kenan, let the best happen! Hasan: It’s obvious that no good will come from that girl. You turned the head and she throw herself in Giray’s arms. How could she do it? Kenan: What are you saying mister Hasan? What Giray? Hasan: Didn’t she write about it? Your childhood friend cheated quite well on you. He was not a proper man. But I gave him his share, don’t worry! Nevin: OK, close this topic now. Kenan: Let me get out from here and… Nevin: Son, won’t you get smarter? You are doing revenge plans without getting out from prison? Why do you load him, it happened and it’s over. Kenan: Mom, I don’t care about Ayse and Giray. Whoever can wander whom they want with ate the place they like, let them be away from me and close to God. My brother raised the bar to me too, thanks to him! As everything is forgotten when going there it’s the time I forget some things too. Nevin: You constantly turn over the topic and bring it to Yaman. If you talk like this every time I won’t come again Kenan: Don’t come, it’s OK. You send me money and I will write you when I get it. Goodbye from me! Hasan: We got our stick too, let’s go now Nevin: All of us are safer when he is between four walls, by God. I am afraid that he will be trouble for Yaman when he gets out. May God forbid it! = = = Ender: I came… Mert: Dear mom… Ender: My life. I missed you so much in a day… Mert: Hopefully this will be the longest time we will stay apart. Ender: Be always by my side, always. Mert; Longing hit the ceiling. Did you come with your work team? Ender: No, I was done, everything was discussed in the dinner last night. I didn’t want to stay for any longer and I got my ticket early. Is your dad upstairs? Mert: No, he went out very early in the morning. The tea is hot, are you hungry? Ender: I ate something in the plane. Oh Ms. Suzan did wonders again! Mert: Yaman did it Ender: Aa? Mert: By God. Ender: Where is he? Mert: He is out, he is continuing with the duty my dad started. Ender: What duty? Mert: If you fly off the handle hug the ax Ender: What? Mert: Come on…I will show you Ender: May you have an easy work! Yaman: Thanks! Welcome! Ender: Are you OK? Yaman: I am OK, I am preparing for the… Ender: May your hands be blessed! OK then, see you Yaman: Goodbye! Mert: I’m Mert Serez. Asim Mert Serez. Missed stroke! = = = Man: It will be launched as a dignified project from Asim Sekip Kaya’s people. But in fact it will destroy the ecological balance of everyone around there. ~ Ender calling Man: At the same time people who live on the area where this project will be done, will have to abandon their houses. Reyhan: All these things will be done just in seeking of money Man: Those in front of us are powerful names but we are on the side which is right Mr. Selim Reyhan: We know that you won’t be by the powerful side but by the side which is right. Selim: OK. I accept your offer. I am with you Reyhan: I knew you wouldn’t belie me Selim: I expect the same thing from you. Please use the press more careful from now on. Man: We need the people’s support to win the case Reyhan: We shouldn’t lose them Selim: We will win this case even if no one is by our side. But I don’t know what I am going to lose… Reyhan: If your marriage is so weak as it won’t hop this, I would say think about it once more = = = Tan: Shall we start from the beginning? Let this time be better than beginning. ~ Eda calling Eylul: Sorry, very sorry, very sorry! Tan: She is like a little kid girl. She can’t stay in peace. Mira: Yes, she is a little too much energetic Tan: She won’t come every time with you, will she? Mira: No, I brought her to know you. I thought that you would get on well. Tan: There is a girl I love Mira: I am sorry, I didn’t mean that. Tan: Shall we continue? Mira: Of course Tan: Listen to me if you want, you will understand where you made mistake Eylul: Mira, Hale committed suicide… Mira: What? Eylul: I mean she knuckled down to suicide = = = Eylul: I am going out Mom: Thanks God she couldn’t arrive to her room otherwise we wouldn’t even know about it. Tugce: May God forbid it Boy: How did she fall from the stairs? Mom: She lost her balance from the medicine’s effect. We heard her voice and woke up. Mom: She took all the medicines from the cupboard. Hale: Mom, mom, mom… Mom: Hale my daughter…Hale… Umit: My daughter, my daughter… = Mom: The doctor said that she is lucky that she didn’t have a stroke in her head Doruk: Is she OK now? Mom: Yes, her stomach was cleaned before the medicines passed in the blood. Boy: May it belong to the past for all of us! Tugce: Crazy girl, she got off lightly. Eylul: And for Orkun… = = = Orkun: Mira, thank you very much, did you come to talk? Just a minute, I will take a shower and be back… Mira: Orkun, just a minute. I didn’t come here to talk about us, she knuckled down to suicide. Orkun: I know, stupid! Mira: Orkun, Hale wanted to die because of you Orkun: It has nothing to do with me. Mira: How it has nothing to do with you? Whatever you lived, you lived this shame together. The girl did a stupidity like this because of the situation she fell and she felt alone. Because of you… Orkun: So, shall I also try to commit a suicide? Mira: No, be by her side! Orkun: Mira, I love you Mira: Orkun, you have been with her for a year. This is not a short time. A year… Orkun: Mira, if you listened to me Mira: Orkun, I learnt everything I had to and I saw it with my eyes Orkun: Mira it was a trap Mira: Don’t abase yourself more talking. Stay behind the things you lived. It’s obvious that the girl loves you and if you are a real man you won’t leave Hale alone in these days, you will hold her hand. And you will endure the things you lived with all sins and mitzvahs. If you have a little respect for yourself you will do this Orkun… = = = Eda: Hale, Hale, Orkun came… Eda sms: Orkun came to visit Hale with flowers in his hands. Eylul: Wow! The killer returned in the crime neighborhood. Mert: Cheeky! Tugce: These are wonderful! Do you send these to the magazines? Mert: No because this is personal, I can’t make it a public property. This is all Tugce: Eylul? Mert: Er…her face lines are suitable to be drawn. Tugce: Do you know what your problem is? Mert: Is there any problem? Tugce: You don’t trust yourself. Mert: Actually I trust myself between kith and kin but… Tugce: When it’s about women you think 5 times what to say then you look funny Mert: I look like fool… Tugce: No, I think you are very sweet Mert: But… Tugce: Girls in general like men with self confidence Mert: Those like Eylul and so on, right? Tugce: Especially those like her. They like mature men. They like to put they feet in a safe ground. Mert: OK but when I see her, my feet are not in the ground, I want to fly Tugce: If you continue like this you will draw more eyebrows and noses… Mert: But this is beautiful, I liked this, beautiful, I can use it somewhere. It can be done a good fir from this. Like real… = = = Yaman: Uncle Selim came… Ender: With your permission, I will welcome my husband. Yaman: Pardon… Ender: Welcome my love! Selim: You welcome! Ender: Are you tired? Selim: We will talk. What’s up Yaman? Yaman: The same uncle, from you? Selim: From me too… Mert: We were talking so well, why are you going? Tugce: They are waiting for me at home Mert: If you stayed for dinner Tugce: Another time Mert: Welcome dad! Mert: There are lots of things I have to learn from you. When are we going to meet again? Tugce: I don’t know, probably at school Mert: Yaman, Tugce is going Yaman: Goodbye! Tugce: Goodbye! Ender: What’s happening Selim? Selim: We talked many times by phone yesterday, why you didn’t tell me that Faruk was there? Ender: Because I didn’t know. He came with a different flight in the evening. Selim: Why didn’t you let me know when you found out? Ender: Are we children Selim, why should I inform you? Selim: But you call me in the midnight because you feel remorse… Ender: Are you aware of what you are blaming me? How can you insinuate something like this? Selim: I told what I thought Ender: You are not in your senses Selim: I am in my senses, pretty much. Ender: Don’t shout at me! If you are doing all these so I forget that you are the lawyer of the opposit side… Selim: It has nothing to do with it Mert: They didn’t act like this before…they didn’t shout to each other Selim: I don’t want that man to be attached walking around you Ender: He came for work, what can I do? Selim: Whatever it is for. I don’t like you to spend time together. Ender: You’re really talking nonsense. Selim: That man’s intention is bad Ender: You signed right… that agreement? You accepted the case. Al this stupid quarrel is because of this. Selim: My nerves have nothing to do with the case Ender: You signed or you didn’t sign? Selim: I signed… In fact you are trying to show this like an excuse Mert: What’s happening? Does this look good on you? Selim: OK. Nothing happened. Mert: My Goodness! = = = Suzi: Leave those, son, you are considered to have the day off today Yaman: How come that be aunt? Suzi: Listen to what I say! Mert: Now we’re in college we filled the amphitheaters we are all very happy viva school… Yaman: Look man, if you act like this at school too, I don’t know you Mert: No, you can’t hurt your brother. Are we excited? Yaman: No… Mert: I am excited, come on, let’s eat something and go Yaman: Maybe we shouldn’t go from the first day, like craps Mert: Wow, from the first day escape plans Yaman: Man the first day is scathe Mert: Don’t tighten at all, we will go. If you don’t got in the first day at school you will never go. If you don’t go, I won’t go either. Yaman: You dropped into the habit well Mert: You can’t leave me alone against my enemies and my friends Selim: Good morning! Yaman: Good morning! Mert: Good morning! Ender: Good morning! Yaman: Good morning! Selim: Good morning! Ender: May you be in God’s hands! Selim: Where? Ender: I have a meeting with 5 handsome men, Faruk will join us too, I asked him. Mert: Mom, please sit for 2 minutes, today is our first day at school Ender: OK, 5 minutes. Thank you Ms. Suzan Suz: Enjoy it! Ender: What? Selim: If you have time tonight let’s eat dinner together… Ender: I am sorry but I will be tired, I don’t want to go out of home. Selim: OK then, we will eat home. The kids have plans for the evening anyways… Mert: Yes, we will hang out with friends after school. When I say it it’s not convincing, you say it… Yaman: Yes we promised Mira and Eylul Mert: Swear to God… Look it was very convincing, you convinced me too for the second time. Ender: See you in the evening! Selim: For dinner? Ender: For dinner… May God give you clarity of mind. Mert: Don’t say it mom. Don’t joke like that Ender: Let it go beautifully as it started Yaman: Thanks Mert: This is better Ender: Goodbye! Selim: Bye – bye! Mert: you are outside of the castle’s door for days. I wanted to say that my mom doesn’t talk properly with you. I am not interested at all in your personal life, OK but I said it that you are stuffy… Selim: There isn’t any bitterness or something like that between your mom and me Mert: You can’t lie at all dad. Anyways but tonight this issue will end, this is all. I don’t want bitterness! Selim: OK, I will try to solve it Mert: This is it! Selim: Are you going? Mert: Yes, 50000 fans can’t wait Yaman: Goodbye uncle Selim: All the best! May God give you clarity of mind! Mert: Ah dad, don’t say this, don’t…at least you don’t say it! Don’t say it! = = = Mert: Wow we’re university men now. Yaman: Stop man, let me prepare first Mert: Let it be man. There isn’t any difference. Come on let’s focus on the beautiful parts of the school today. Let’s register to the clubs and so on, what do you think? Yaman: There are many clubs! Mert: You also chose something. Orkun must be in rugby’s club, don’t go to mess with him Yaman: Let the one who is scared from him be like him Mert: So you say I am the first in rugby too Hale: Everyone knows the whole story. Look how they are looking… Orkun: Forget about it, our lives can’t be worse than theirs Eda; What’s up? Orkun: All right babe, and you? Mert: There theater, a variety of music clubs. I will choose animation. In fact on the third year they will make it obligatory but let it be I will learn it. Flashback: While I was coming to my senses I dreamed you. Yaman: Oh really?! And… Mira: We sung together, you played the guitar Yaman: Me? = Mert: Wow you will play the guitar… Bamboleo, bambolea … it looks good on my Yaman Eylul: while talking about bad things here in front of us Mert Asim Serez Mert; Welcome, it’s me, in your orders… I propose to do something in the evening for the excitement of the first day at school. What do you think? You 2 and the 2 of us, I think we look very good. Eylul: I won’t come, since the school is opened now everyone can return to their social circle. Come on Mira Mira: I will come in the evening. Goodbye! Yaman: OK, goodbye! Tugce: it means that you like Eylul? Mert: Yes, it’s very evident right? Tugce: But it’s not good this way. Girls don’t like you to show so much interest in them Mert: I know, I know but I can’t play games. Tugce: Maybe you don’t know how to play games Mert: Teach me then…You are her friend. You know what she likes and so on. Help me Tugce: Do you really like her? Mert: Constantly since I was 10 years old. Tugce: OK, but I don’t guarantee. Mert: Be sure that I can’t fall in a worse state that I have been until now Tugce: OK, OK but look… you will do whatever I say Mert: This is it! Agreed! Yaman: It’s more enjoyable than I guessed, a very quiet place. Mira: Hopefully it will always be like this! Yaman: I will get some coffee, do you want? Mira: I will drink too. Orkun: That crap Boy: Bro please don’t cause trouble from the first day! Eylul: What’s this, sitting together and stuff like that from the first day…Is the thing getting serious? Mira: No Eylul, don’t ask me this question now Eylul: OK, I am not asking Tan sms: Are we going to meet today? Mira sms: No, today I am at school! Tan sms: L L L Mira sms: But I mailed you my agenda. The has been opened just today Eylul: Whom are you messaging with? Mira: Tan, he is asking about the classes. Eylul: But did Tan ask something about me? Mira: It looks like he has a girlfriend. Eylul: Oh no, if I had some lucky… Anyways the gibbon is coming, he will straighten my moral. He brings my self confidence in its place. Mert: Tugce convinced me to enter in the literature magazine Tugce: I entered for extra credits anyways, it’s good we won’t get bored. Mert: I have things to share with the world Eylul: Please share them away from me Mert: Sit down Tugce: You also sit, we will tighten together. Actually you can prepare an article about sailing to the magazine. Mert: Actually, it would be so great if I went further and write about my adventures. Tugce: Of course it will be very beautiful, for example Spain Mert: You definitely read my mind Eylul: If you go by plane it will be faster and also people will be save from the torture of reading your boring moments. Yaman: So what are we doing this evening? Mira: I don’t know, you invited us. Yaman: Then I will do the program Eylul: Anyways, I was afraid that Mert would do it. = = = Eylul: The saucepan rolled over and found its lid. I mean you brought us in a “wonderful” place Yaman. Yaman: Of course it’s wonderful! Mira: I also like amusement parks a lot Mert: One more lemonade? Tugce: Thanks dear, no… Mira: Shall we… Tugce: I don’t want either Mert: OK Eylul: Today I wanted to say it and I forgot, you must be good in these internet things and so on, shall we do together the assignment Tugce: But we already wrote our names in team, he promised me before you. I am sorry dear Eylul Eylul: No dear, I will find someone else… Mert: Are you aware of what you said? She proposed me to work together, this is the opportunity I have been waiting for years Tugce: No it wasn’t, this was again Eylul’s opportunity to make use of you. Trust me, I will tell you when the right time comes. Mert: How am I going to succeed this, this is being very hard Yaman: Shall we eat more? Eylul: No by God, I swell up. Mira: I am sated too. Yaman: Let’s decide where we are going to get in then… Mert: Crushing cars??? Yaman : Crushing cars might not be good for Mira Mert: Right, shooting then Mira: Come on then… = = = Ender: Welcome! Selim: For you, from the most beautiful ones… Ender: Thanks! Selim: Your favorite flower from your favorite one… Ender: A bunch of flowers doesn’t straight anything after what was lived last night… Selim: But our love straightens it Ender: You hurt me so much Selim Selim: I am sorry, but I am jealous because I am crazy in love with you Ender: Don’t say that the one who loves, is jealous too, please Selim: But I am jealous, because that man is your ex-boyfriend, because he is still living so close to us, because I know he looks you with the eye I look at you Ender: Selim please Selim: You are so special about me that… I get angry even if someone looks you with their brain because I love you so much Ender:: Not that much Selim: I love you more than everything else Ender: But you accepted the case Selim: I am sorry but you love a man like that too Ender: And I love him so much. We will overcome this Selim: WE OVERCOME EVERYTHING = = = Yaman: Shoot! Mira: I am so clumsy, I can’t do it at all Mert: Bro, I found someone who is better than you in something. She hits the one she targeted. Are you man or something like that? Tugce: Thanks Mert! Mert: I will buy a present, what do you think Eylul likes? Tugce: I don’t know Tan SMS: Shall we do something tonight? Mira SMS: No, I am out. Yaman: Is it your turn? Mira: I don’t know, I am waiting Tan SMS: Sorry, I disturbed you Yaman: What happened? Mira: Nothing… Come on, shall we get on too? Yaman: Err….better if I don’t get on this Mira: Come on, it will rise up now… Yaman: I am afraid of heights Mira: Come on dear, come on… You are pretty scared… If you are scared hold my hand Yaman: Give me it. What happened, why did this stop? Mira: I don’t know YamanL Did it break? Mira: No dear, don’t be scared, it will move now. Mert: It’s enough if it stays like this for 2 minutes. Let it be a little special Tugce: You’re a great man Mert: Was this a part of the plan too? Tugce: Yes, it was a part of the plan… Mert: I served the purpose. We became the great duo Tugce: Will you go after her? Mert: Do I have any other chance? By the way this is yours. Accept it as a little thanks Tugce: Thanks! Mert: Hello! Eylul: Mira and they were stuck upstairs. Mert: Ah yes Eylul: I was looking for someone to get on the octopus with me Mert: I can get on with you Eylul: If something happens you will protect me, right? Mert: Of course! Mira: Your face is whiter than white. Yaman: No, I am fine. What kind of place is this? They let people get on even if it’s broken. Mira: Is it bad, we are staying alone. Pardon, we entered the banned zone again Yaman: The issue wasn’t that I didn’t miss you… The reason why I always stay a step behin is because I am afraid you will hurt me Mir: I won’t hurt you Yaman: I learnt being abandoned before being loved Mira. On top you, I comet I have never known…You are so beautiful even when looked from a distance that I am afraid I will be blind when I come close. Mira: I won’t permit this Yaman: I want to trust you Mira: You can trust me Yaman: I trust you. Go on brother! translated by Helena
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:14:02 +0000

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