*meditation for today* Hear the word of the Lord! (Ezekiel - TopicsExpress


*meditation for today* Hear the word of the Lord! (Ezekiel 37:4) Just a few words can accomplish a great deal. That has never been as true as when God created the world. It was “a formless wasteland” before he spoke it into existence (Genesis 1:1). Plants, flowers, trees, oceans, and humanity itself—all because God said, “Let there be . . .” Actually, it’s not so hard to believe that God’s word could produce something from nothing. After all, he “thought” us into being before we were even born (Psalm 139)! This is one reason why Ezekiel’s vision here is so interesting. It shows us God’s creative power at work again. This time, Ezekiel is the one doing the talking as he proclaims God’s word to Israel—and he sees that word immediately take effect as the dry bones transform into a vast army. Seeing this vision, Ezekiel knows that God’s words have power. God will fulfill whatever he speaks! Our human words have power, too. They reveal what is in our hearts, and they transmit our peace—or lack of it—to the people around us. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,” the Scriptures tell us (Proverbs 18:21). Our words can hurt, or they can heal. How important it is, then, that our words be animated by the Holy Spirit! Then we can bring someone more than just a positive message. We can bring them closer to God. Think about the people closest to you. You’re so familiar with them that you may take for granted what you say to them. When you’re in a rush, you may tell your spouse about the busy day ahead of you or ask your children if they’ve cleaned their rooms. But maybe God has a special word that he wants you to give them today. Only you can deliver it! It may not be profound or earth-shattering. It may be just a simple word of comfort or encouragement. But no matter what it is, this word, prompted by the Spirit, can change a life. “Lord, make me more aware of the words I speak. May I say only that which affirms and brings life. May I always speak the truth in love—and in the power of your Spirit.”
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:08:35 +0000

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