#midnightstory I Made a Friend By: Fuurinkazan / Janrae - TopicsExpress


#midnightstory I Made a Friend By: Fuurinkazan / Janrae Mendoza It’s already night time and it’s getting cold. I am a bit surprised how fast the time flies. My digital calendar says it’s already December. How long has it been? But I am not going to tell you the story how cold the night or how fast the time flies. If you’re reading this note it means that I have already taken my life due to my frustration and despair. My name is Dave. Common name isn’t it? However my life isn’t as common as any child or the ones you see on the television, where they stay with their parents, receive their love or normally go to school and comes back at home with smile in their parents’ face. My father left me and mom when I was six. He said he’s already tired living with mom. I never saw my father again after that. Mom never said anything about him since he left. Mom committed suicide by drinking poison a year later. I thought dad would be visiting me if he ever heard my mom died, but I never saw him on the funeral. Aunt Mary took me in, since she never married nor had anyone with her. I was happy; I thought I would live alone at such a young age. But like I said, my life isn’t as common as anybody. I went to school, but my uniform is older than any student, they laughed at me for that. I have to clean the whole house, cook for my aunt, be her gardener, chaperone in her dates and treat me like a servant rather than a family. My neighbors always quote that as abuse, but what can I do? My aunt is my only family. I never had friends. For so many years I was alone. I only played with my teddy bear I called Bunny; a brown bear, cute sparkling eyes and smiling at me. Bunny is my only friend. Whenever I’m sad and had my problems, I always talk to Bunny about it. He never answers, but I know he cares for me. One day, I asked Bunny if I should make friends with other people. He just looked at me, without any reply nor words to speak. I know Bunny would be happy to hear if I’d have a friend. It was not hard for me to find friends at school. I finally had friends, Jake, Grey, Steven and Glenn. They were very nice and they really like me as a friend. I rushed home to tell Bunny about it, but I wasn’t able to find him in my room. I was about to ask my aunt about it when I saw her burning some trash, and she just placed Bunny on the burning planks of wood and paper. I stopped her from doing it, but she shouted at me and said I’d been doing nothing but speak with a trashy teddy bear. I cried and cried, but aunt’s anger dominated over me. I just watched my first friend Bunny as he was burned slowly by the fire and turned into ashes. Inside me, I wanted to have my revenge. I hated my aunt. She never even treated me like family so why should I? I pretended to be nice to her, but one time, I took some poison on the drawer and mixed it with her pineapple juice. I offered it to her and said I was sorry for crying that time. She was in a good mood and thought it was one of the ways for me to serve her, but she was wrong. She drank the juice and said it’s good that I remember her favorite drink. I smiled widely as I saw her coughing in blood afterwards. She looked at with an angered look, wondering what had I placed in her drink. She wanted to grab me but I avoided her, watching her die slowly from the poison I gave her. When she finally closed her eyes and fell on the ground, I knew, I finally revenged my friend Bunny. When the police arrived, I acted as if aunt committed suicide. Gladly, the police was convinced and treated it as suicide. At last, I am free of my aunt’s rope of abuse. I can do what I want, invite my friends at home when I want, drink wine if I want, as free as an eagle soaring at the blue sky. I thought I’d be as happy as ever, but I started to lose my friends one by one. I heard them talking badly about me at my back, the topic of their malicious mouths, and all my friendship with them were pretention. I never knew that my real and only friend would only be Bunny. Jake, Grey, Steven and Glenn were not my friends. I wish I had another friend who would listen to my problems, talk with me when I’m happy. I am at loss, what can I do? I am all alone. I was about to drink poison too and just die until it hit me. I can make a friend like Bunny. A teddy bear that can listen to me every time, but I want a friend that can talk to me too. I took the iron pipe with me and hid it on my back. I went to Glenn’s house and pretended that I had something to give to him. His disgusting smile faced me when he opened the door. He was about to let me in when I started beating him with the iron pipe. When I saw him fell on the ground, I pulled him inside to avoid other people notice me. I searched his house and gladly saw what I want. I will take Glenn’s hands, I really must. I started the engine of the chainsaw and started removing Glenn’s hands. Glenn must have only fainted when I beaten him with the pipe, when the saw ripped his skin, he shouted in pain and pleaded me to stop. But when he badmouthed me to everyone, did he ever stop? No. I took a piece of cloth and gagged his mouth for me to silence him from shouting. As the chainsaw finally cuts his right arm, Glenn dies from the loss of blood. I took his arms and placed it on the dark plastic bag. I carefully closed the door and left. But my friend will never be complete without the full body parts. I went to Jake’s house and like what I did with Glenn; I pretended I have something to give him. When he finally fell down on the ground when I beaten him with the iron pipe, I took him inside and started cutting his legs. The saw has torn his flesh like cheese and the blood from it sprayed unto my face, but I was smiling as I cut his legs. He was still alive and even when he’s about to die, he cursed me, all those cussing and bad mouthing about me, now, I will end it. I took a kitchen knife start stabbing his eyes, throat and finally landed eighty stabs on his body. Those are not even enough for how he treated me. Some friend he is. I did the same with my other friends. I took every part I need from them. It would not be long when the police would discover their bodies, but I’m confident that they will never look at me as a suspect. I went inside my house and opened the dark plastic bag. I took a deep breath and prepared my sewing kit. First, I sew Glenn’s hands on Steven’s body, Jake’s legs, and Grey’s head. The skin is much harder to sew than a cloth, but even when I struggled sewing it, I know, I am making a friend, who would listen to me, who would think of me when I’m gone, talk with me about my problems and much as any friend would do. I smiled as I finally sew the last thread on my friend’s head. Now, my friend is complete. He would soon wake up, call my name, talk with me and listen to me. I was waiting for him to wake up. I smiled. “Bunny, I made a friend…” said I looking at the dark, emotionless sky. I became impatient when my friend never moved. I tried to wake him up but it just won’t. “Wake up! Come on! Wake Up!” I repeatedly shouted at him but it never woke up. I am at loss, I wondered why my new friend would never call my name or talk to me or even wake up. I just can’t take it anymore. I want him to wake up. But there’s no telling when. I realized it never had any life at all. I was frustrated that my friend is not going to wake up and call me. I sat down on the floor and envisioned everything when I was still a child. Then I remembered something. Bunny would never let me kill someone. Bunny would never let me hate other people for leaving me. Bunny would just smile at me, with his sparkling eyes, cute figure and a friend who would stay by your side forever. He would be there whether you’re problematic or happy, sad or joyful, Bunny is always there. “Sorry, Bunny…” I cried, as I went into the kitchen and took the poison. I went back into my room and what you are reading now is the last of my note. I drank the poison, as I sat by my new friend. I started to feel the poison dominate my body. Even though I failed, I at least know, I made a friend.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:17:28 +0000

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