missing piece of the puzzle, To many times in ones life we do not - TopicsExpress


missing piece of the puzzle, To many times in ones life we do not stop to see what the LORD has given to us or why, we ponder on the stuff that we can not take to heaven while the LORD is calling to each of us, His arms open a wonderful smile on his face and the calling to us is constant. Tonight I delighted in speaking with someone a friend and even at times a father, A man of God and has maintained his love for as long as I can recall, He and his wife have been a missing link to me for a long time. But the Lord has his way to bring family together in so many ways if we all will just allow him to do our work for us, The road does not have to be troubled our hearts need not to doubt, for a true father gives all that he is in every way. If we have a missing piece within our souls it is not of the Lords making but of our own walks tat we have so chosen all to often we look to our own and dont look to the ones that might be asking with out saying a word, I love this vision and the story behind it I hope you like it to if so Say a comment of Amen and thank you Lord Jesus for the values in the daily walk and teachings in each of our portals. One day when walking down the side walk of a city a cold winter day it was raining the wind was blowing, and as I walked a man in tattered ragged cloths was walking slowly own the walk, all the sudden the rain began to pour like buckets of water on us, I hurried over underneath a awning in front of a store as the man slowly came to join me, i looked into his face and seen a smile and very happy man, He smelled he was dirty his cloths in rags, All the sudden the shop owner came out and told the old gent that he would have to leave for he would drive away all his business by him standing there, He looked at me in my fine warm cloths and said if your his friend you can move on to. I looked into the tear filled eyes of the man, as he slowly walked away, I fallowed just behind him as I heard the man crying, It so wet and miserable so we stopped once again to rest from the buckets of rain coming down, and stood in yet another door way to cut the chilling wind from burning our face and the wet rai that was running through every single stitch of clothing, we stood there dripping when once again the store keep came out and asked us to leave, I spoke out well only be here till the rain lets up the streets are empty, the store keep with a harsh voice said the old man must leave but that I could stay even come inside. The old man looked at me and smile and said its ok one day they shall see me just as they have seen you this day, with a laugh and a chuckle the old man in ragged cloths walked away. I watched as he stepped one foot after the other through the water puddles, I ran up to him and as we walked not a word was said we came to a park bench, the rain was gone, he took from his tattered coat some newspaper he had taken from a trash can before the rain, Those papers would become his blanket and the shield from the cold. With a gentleness about him he lay the paper on the bench and with so much love he said this is for you to sit upon so that you can have a dry place to sit. I looked into the bright eyes of this old man and tears filled my eyes, I said i cannot take your dry spot your very bed from you. The man with a voice of angels spoke out saying if more people would stop to great me, then maybe they too wuld know that I have come to see if they love me as I love them. as I turned to sit with tears in my eyes and so much love filled my heart for this old man, I found that I was alone I stod looked around and there was no one for many blocks. Just think If that was the LORD what piece of the puzzle did you turn from this very day. He gave me passion and love while he was cold and crying. Never stop seeking for you never know when the piece of the missing puzzle will fall into place.. I know it was the Lord saying I am here will you show me mercy and love me just as I so love you. So the next time someone seeks a friend or place to be out of the cold youll never know it just could be the Lord our God.. God Bless and give merriloy for the gift of giving every season has always been of joy and of love from the heavens to each of us.. In the name of the Father Jesus Christ I pray Amen Amen In the Bible the Lord said when someone asks for help do not turn away but give that which you have. I wonder how many of us have a coat or a shirt even a sock with a hole that we could give to some one with tattered and dirty cloths something better to wear. Or even to say hey lets go get meal and just be a friend to a stranger on the streets, You never know it just maybe the LORD himself..
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 04:51:40 +0000

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