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missouricivilrightscouncil@yahoogroups To missouricivilrightscouncil@yahoogroups Jul 20 at 6:13 AM (this is a bi-weekly auto-send info message) HOW TO FILE THE LARGEST CLASSACTION IN HISTORY ============================================== No matter what part of our Constitutional Republic, Freedom and Liberty you are fighting for, you must organize all your active leadership efforts by some geographic method. TO WIN, you need three (3) basic components working: 1 - an efficient network of managing public communications 2 - a logistical network for background legal preparations 3 - a large communications system able to saturate America Most people understand the basic use of States, but differ widely from there. Our very BEST answer, because OUR efforts ALSO involve a variety of LEGAL issues, is to use a certain kind of geography system that is both over AND within all States - the federal court jurisdictions. Mirroring the jurisdictional breakdown of the U.S. federal court system is the perfect match to any political-social movement which has numerous LEGAL issues as its base of existence, since it already has the three perfect key components needed: (a) it is setup to be *proportionally* where the U.S. population already lives - an efficient system, working NOW, covering ALL of America; (b) it is a *uniform* system, in both over ALL the States, AND ALSO within each and every individual State - easily understood by anyone; (c) and, its primary purpose, again, IS to correct ILLEGAL wrongdoings - the base of our movements existence - with a UNIFORM legal system in ALL States; It is THE perfect administration system for ALL political-social efforts for which to restore our Constitutional Republic, and about any particular LEGAL RIGHTS under which it stands. As an inherent bonus, duh, it is ALSO the naturally perfect logistical system for filing a TRULY HISTORIC, nationwide classaction lawsuit by individual U.S. Citizens, everywhere across America, within the span of just one (1) target week - the kind of shockingly MASSIVE public outcry action that can literally smother the whole wayward system into rather quick humility. THE MATCHING SYSTEM IS DONE, ONLINE AND READY ============================================= The actual filing(s) of exactly such an historic Constitutional lawsuit, easily joined by millions of outraged sovereign U.S. Citizens, against governmental units/defendants named over a bulwark of important legal claims, fundamental to every American Family, and also to every American Taxpayer, was the original, built-in gameplan design for the dual network structure of United Civil Rights Councils of America (UCRCoA), finally launched online in June of 2007, after over three years of preliminary work was done. UCRCoA has a unified dual network of larger public discussion/news/action groups, and smaller background/private legal groups, that merge at national, state and county levels, but retain the two must-have separate driving forces (public action items & legal fights) at the parallel Region and Circuit level(s). At the general groundzero public level - the Counties and Independent Cities level - its all exactly the same, management wise by State leadership. See the UCRCoA Organizational Chart for the quick visual overview: unitedcivilrights.org/pdfs/UCRCoA_Organizational_Chart.pdf Matching all of that, the much larger public-side network includes 3140 different Yahoo! Groups for each and every County (Borough in Alaska, Parish in Louisiana) and Independent City across America, the 50 State-level Groups, 7 Regional Groups (each restricted to all levels of leadership within that same given Region), 10 public Focus Area Groups managed by UCRCoA upper leadership, the private National Board Group, plus a small handful of miscellaneous, private administrative and task groups. The PUBLIC side of UCRCoA is all handled and managed via using Regions of States, seen here: unitedcivilrights.org/regions.html Running in real-time parallel, the more private, smaller, background LEGAL side of UCRCoA is handled and managed by Teams of Scholars in a mirror to the federal court jurisdictions, i.e., with like manner of Yahoo! Groups and matching leaders for national (for things related to the U.S. Supreme Court and certain DC federal courts), for each of the 11 main federal Circuits, for the 89 various federal Districts within the States, and for the 450-ish federal Divisions that are over each given cluster of Counties (or Boroughs, Parishes, or Independent Cities), i.e., the actual 450-ish federal trial courthouses scattered across America: unitedcivilrights.org/circuits.html LEADERSHIP IS STRONG NOW, WITH 200+ STATE LEADERS, ETC. ======================================================= The public leadership side of UCRCoA is already fairly healthy, with 200+ of the 300+ designed public State leadership roles listed up, several hundred Counties with a listed local leader, and about 3/5ths of all 56 upper leadership (National+Regional) roles filled with an able person. State-level Yahoo! Groups have anywhere between 5 and 300 people, with most States at 25-65, plenty enough to have FULL State Boards of Directors everywhere. County-level Yahoo! Groups typically have already 3-12 members each in the more rural areas of the nation, while the County Groups for the urban city populated areas each typically have 10-35 members on them now, also plenty enough for FULL County Teams across the country. Once the public leadership saturation was growing strong, building up the legal side leadership began, fairly recently, and now there are several dozen Scholars within the various private jurisdictional Yahoo! Groups, enough to form all upper leadership Teams for the Legal side of things, and we are actively recruiting for more Scholars to fill up and form contact and logistical points for Districts and Divisions at the ground/people level. To ACTUALLY KICKOFF and FILE this truly massive nationwide classaction lawsuit against governmental wrongdoings (and there are several HUGE constitutional/legal issues to choose from, of course), we only need to find, recruit and place on board: (a) the last 100-ish public-side State leaders, some with dual roles as the 20-ish remaining upper leadership openings to be filled; (b) about 40-60 more legal Scholars to take the remaining legal-side upper leadership spots, so all upper legal teams are formed; (c) the last 200 of 952 local contacts for red counties and independent cities (red = any county/city with a 50K+ population); And c above can include more dual action by our *existing* leadership, for their own respective local roles still needed, so we only need about 200-300 total NEW activists added into all roles combined, to add to the EXISTING 500 activists already in place, and were then actually able to logistically HANDLE the largest and most historic classaction lawsuit ever filed in America - We The People v. [Our Own Governments Continual Mega-Failures and Total Breaches of ALL the Founding Documents Contractual Guarantees to Us, The People] So, from across the entire country and from literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of tea party type freedom fighters out there and active right now, I believe we should EASILY be able to find a mere few hundred more, ready for action of truly historic Constitutional proportions, and bring them on board now. DIRECT LINKS TO EACH LEADERSHIP TYPE ROLE NEEDED ================================================ If you going to help recruit and get the job DONE, heres the short list of links to pass along. Again, the Organizational Chart: unitedcivilrights.org/pdfs/UCRCoA_Organizational_Chart.pdf Then, for all PUBLIC-side roles: National Board (combined from Public + Legal sides) unitedcivilrights.org/UCRCoA_Board.html Regional Boards (7 different Teams, click which Region) unitedcivilrights.org/regions.html State Boards (50 different Teams, click which State) unitedcivilrights.org/statechapters.html County/I-City Boards (3140 different Teams, click which State in) unitedcivilrights.org/localgroups.html And, for all LEGAL-side roles (National, Circuits, Districts + Divisions): unitedcivilrights.org/circuits.html With YOUR help now, we will actually restore America back into a full Constitutional Republic, where The Family and The Individual can once again live relatively free and safe and prosperous again. Cheers! Sincerest Regards, ------------------------------------------ Mr. Torm Howse Co-Founder, National Board Director, Instructor, United Civil Rights Councils of America unitedcivilrights.org Co-Founder, National Board Director, Trustee, Parental Alienation Awareness Organization - US paao-us Founder, Owner, President, The FIDO Network fidonetwork General Contact: (317) 286-2538 office (888) 738-4643 fax [email protected] Increase Your FAITH!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:07:20 +0000

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