mistakes-single-ladies-make We are born imperfect, and asa result, - TopicsExpress


mistakes-single-ladies-make We are born imperfect, and asa result, we all are bound to make one mistake or the other in our lives, but certain mistakes are costlier than others, and if we must advance successfully in life, it is safer and better for us to strive towards avoiding those costly mistakes that may end up marring our chances of happiness and fulfillment in life….. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at some of the costly mistakes most single ladies make today that most times put them in relationship tight corners. So sit back as I take you on this secret exposure on some of the deadly mistakes single ladies make in life: 1 Believing that a guy will change for your sake, or that you will change a guy, is a costly mistake. 2 Insisting on making a guy who clearly doesn’t give a crap about you to fall in love with you is a costly mistake. See, men aren’t like women. Once a man sees a lady he likes, it doesn’t take him a decade to decide or to conclude, unlike ladies who most times take so long to decide on whether they cherish a guy or not. In order words, if its taken a guy too long to accept you, please run,because he isn’t connected with you, he is only trying hard to cope and to accommodate you, and once he finds someone he connectswith, he will definitely flee or cheat on you. 3 Playing hard to get for entirely too long until the guy looses passion for you, only for you to start falling for him. 4 Falling for a bad guy and putting the good guys in the “FRIENDS Z0NE” 5 Thinking every guy is like your EX- no two guys are the same, no matter what your friends have told you, or what people have said in the past, you must stop believing that fallacy, biology and science can prove this too. 6 Shaving off your EYEBR0WS Completely just to draw them back on with an “EYE PENCIL” 7 Blaming the entire male population for one bad experience you had with a guy or some guys 8 Bringing other girls down because of your own insecurities 9 Allowing the same guy to hurt you over and over again, by accepting him continually with the hope that he would change. Honestly, it is you who has a problem, and not him. 10 Deciding on where and when to fall in love. For instance, you have ruled out that you can’t date or love a guy you meet in a commuter or metro bus, night club, on the street, on the internet, etc, and maybe planning to find a date or fall in love at a particular environment or spot- cinema, gym, concert, church, school, etc, maybe because you watched a movieor read a novel in which your favorite female character met her date in that environment, you then conclude that that’s where people find true love. That’s a big mistake most ladies make because love can come from anywhere and anytime…all you need is to be open and give love a chance, because you never can tell where love will find you- it maybe on the internet, on the street, in the market, at school,during a seminar, at night club, etc
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:04:34 +0000

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