monumentsmen/ THE MONUMENTS MEN The “Monuments Men”, - TopicsExpress


monumentsmen/ THE MONUMENTS MEN The “Monuments Men”, were a group of approximately 345 men and women from thirteen nations who comprised the MFAA section during World War II. Many were museum directors, curators, art historians, artists, architects, and educators. Together they worked to protect monuments and other cultural treasures from the destruction of World War II. In the last year of the war, they tracked, located, and in the years that followed returned more than five million artistic and cultural items stolen by Hitler and the Nazis. Their role in preserving cultural treasures was without precedent. For those names in bold, we have completed biographies, and in most instances have a photograph. However, our research continues on each of the other names for which we have varying degrees of information. In some instances, we have just a name. We appeal to the public for help in completing these biographies. Anyone with information, including photographs, should contact ehudson@monumentsmen. Adams, Capt. Edward E. Albright, Lt. Frank P. Amand, Marcel Anderson, Maj. Harry A. Apgar, T/Sgt. Horace Appel, S/Sgt. William B. Archey, Lt. Col. Gilbert Armstrong, S/Sgt. Robert G. Arnold, John G. Baillie-Reynolds, Maj. Paul Kenneth Balfour, Maj. Ronald Edmund Barancik, Pfc. Richard M. Baudouin, Frans Beaufort, René Beer, Esmond Samuel de Bell, Maj. Harry E. Bencowitz, Capt. Isaac Bernholz, Charles Bilodeau, Pfc. Francis W. Bleecker, Pfc. Paul O. Boardman, Lt. Edward T. Boell, Jesse E. Bonilla, Lt. Felix J. Bonzom, Eugene Boon, Karel Gerald Born, Maj. Lester K. Borouch, T/4 Edward J. Bovio, Flora Bowie, Mrs. Barbara H. Bradford, Capt. John S.P. Breitenbach, Edgar Broerman, Paul Bromwich, Maj. John Brooke, Capt. T. Humphrey Brown, John Nicholas Bryant, Capt. William C. Brye, Hubert de Buchman, Capt. Julius H. Buckingham, Pfc. Russell H. Bumbar, Lt. Julianna Burks, Capt. Bernard D. Busey, Capt. C. Callon, Margaret Carr, Allan Casson, Lt. Col. Stanley Chadwick, Cpl. Gordon Chance, Capt. R. Charles, Capt. Rollo Cheguillaume, M. J. Chevigny, Prince Child, Sargent Burrage Christopher, William R. Clarke, Lt. Roger A. Clem, Harold J. Conrad, Lt. Doda Cook, J. M. Cook, S/Sgt. James O. Cooper, Sqdr. Ldr. Douglas Coremans, Paul B. Corrigan, Sgt. Gordon F. Cott, Lt. Cdr. Perry Blythe Coulter, Lt. Cdr. J. Hamilton, USNR Croft-Murray, Maj. Edward Davie, L.G. Davis, Cpl. Clyde I Davis, Lt. Richard S., USNR Dawson, Capt. Eric A. De Vinna, Maurice A., Jr. Defino, S/Sgt. L. Delsaux DeWald, Lt. Col. Ernest T. Dewitt, Maj. Roscoe P. Dierkauf Dignam, Celia Diraimondo, T/4 Charles J. Dixon-Spain, Sqdr. Ldr. J.E. Dlugosz, T/4 Louis F. Doane, Gilbert Harry Dollfus Doman, Andrea Donn, D.L., Doubinsky, Elie J. B. Downey, Lt. Glanville Dreyfus, Carle Druene Duchartre, P. L. Dunbabin, T. J. Eden, Peter Ellis, Capt. R. H. Enthoven, Capt. Roedrick E. Ermatinger, T/4 Charles J. Estreicher, Karol Ettlinger, T/4 Sgt. Harry L. Faison, Lt. Cdr. S. Lane, Jr. Farmer, Capt. Walter I. Finley, David E. Fleetwood-Hesketh, P. Fleischner, Charles Florisoone, Michel Ford, Lt. Dale V. France, Capt. Leys A. Francois, Michel French, T. W. Fujishiro, Motoko Fuller, Capt. A. Gabriel, Pfc. Richard F. Gallagher, Charles F. Gangnat, Philippe Gardner, Lt. Col. Paul Gear, William Giuli, Capt. Thomas Glass, Robert Goldberg, T/5 S. L. Goodison, John W. Gould, Capt. Cecil Granger-Taylor, Jerry, Elysium Granswickel, Dr. Dirk P. Jr. Grier, Capt. Harry D. Grinbarg, Lt. Morrie S. Hald, Pfc. William Hall, Ardelia R. Halsall, Capt. Hammett, Capt. Ralph W. Hammon, Maj. Stratton Hammond, Lt. Col. Mason Hammond, Lt. Col. N. C. L. Hancock, Capt. Walker K. Hansen, T/4 Robert W. Harboard, Felix Harris, Lt. Clyde K. Hartigan, Maj. John D. Hartt, Lt. Frederick Harvey, John Hathaway, Capt. Calvin S. Hauschildt Lt. Kurt F. Haynes, Denys E. L. Hayward, John F. Heinrich, Lt. Theodore A. Henderson, Harold G. Henraux, A. S. Henry, T/5 Alfred Hensley, Maj. Richard G. Hetrick, Pfc. John H. Higgins, Stephen Hocart, Raymond Holland, Eleanor S. Hollis, Howard C. Holmen, Lt. Rodger V. Horn, Lt. Walter W. Horne, J. Anthony Howard, Richard F. Howe, Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Carr Jr. Huberman, Serg. Harry Huchthausen, Capt. Walter J. Hugoboom, Lt. Hutchinson, Lucy Hyslop, Capt. G., Jacka, Pauline Jaffe, Hans C. L. Jaujard, Jacques Jefferson, Col. Jenkinson, Sir Hilary Jennings, Pfc. R. J. Johnson, Sgt. Lorin K. Kates, George N., Kavli, Capt. Guthorm Keck, Lt. Sheldon W. Keezer, Marcellus B. Kelleher, Capt. Patrick J. Keller, Capt. Deane Kern, Lt. Daniel J. Keyes, James H. King, Donald Kinzie, Capt. Joseph R. Kirstein, Pfc. Lincoln E. Koberstein, T/4 Freeman G. Koch, Lt. Albert C. USNR Koch, Lt. Robert A. Kormendi, S/Sgt. Andre Kovalyak, Lt. Stephen Kuhlke, Lt. Richard H. Kuhn, Lt. Cdr. Charles L. La Boulaye, Paul de. Lacey, Capt. George T. LaFarge, Maj. L. Bancel Langui, Emile Lardner, Cpl. W. C. Larwood, Capt. James B. Lazareff, Professor Victor Lee, Sherman E. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut Lemaire, Raymond Leonard, Stewart Lesley, Capt. Everett Parker Jr. Lewis Lindsay, Sgt. Kenneth C. Lovegrove, Lt. William A. Lucia, Sgt. A. P. Maehler, Pvt. Wolfgang Markham, Maj. S. F. Markus, Pvt. Werner Marriott, Capt. Basil Marteau Mast, Gerald Maxse, Capt. Fred, H.J. McCain, Capt. William D. McDonnell, Lt. Col. A. J. L. McDowall, E. McGinn, T/5 Elizabeth A., WAC Meekings, Maj. Cecil A.F. Merola Merrill, Cdr. Keith, USNR Merrill, Pfc. Richard P. Methuen, Maj. the Lord Miller, T/3 Robert M. Minet, Marcelle Mitchell, Capt. Charles Monroe, Robert Moore, Lt. Lamont Morey, Capt. Jonathan T. Munby, A. N. L. Munich Munsing, Stefan P. Murray-Baillie, Capt. Hughe Mutrux, Capt. E. J. Myers, T/5 Denys P. Newton, Col. Henry C. Newton, Lt. Col. Norman Nicholls, Capt. John F. Norins, Capt. Leslie H. Norris, Sqdr. Ldr. E. Christopher Ossorio, Frederic E. Parkhurst, Lt. Charles P., USNR Pascale, Cpl. D. Peck, Edward S. Peebles, S/Sgt. Bernard M. Pennoyer, Capt. Albert Sheldon Perry, Maj. Lionel Phillips, Capt. Ewan Phillips, Cpl. John Marshall Pilliod, Henri E. Pinsent, Capt. Cecil R. Plaut, Lt. Cdr. James Sachs, USNR Pleasants, Frederick R. Plumer, James Marshall Pomrenze, Col. Seymour J. Popham, Anne Popham, Capt. Walter D. Posey, Capt. Robert K. Poste, Lt. Leslie I. Potts, Georgiana Preston, T/Sgt. Stuart Prinet, Jean Prochaska, Pvt. Ladislav L. Propst, Capt. Kenneth H. Putrux, Capt. Edward J. Puyvelde, Leo van Queesenberry, Major Mary Regan Rae, Capt. Edwin C. Ratensky, Lt. Samuel Reeds, James A. Reeds, T/5 John N. Risom, Pvt. Ole C. Ritchie, Andrew Carnduff Rivoir, First Sgt. James J. Robertson, Maj. G. H. Roell, David C. Rogin, Lt. Martin Rorimer, Lt. Cdr. James J. Ross, Capt. Marvin C., USMCR Ross, Maj. Malcolm Ross, Michael Rousseau, Theodore, Jr. Rouvier, Jean Sage, Lt. R. W. Sakin, Eugene Sampson, T/5 Selena WAC Sanchez, Manuel Sattgast, Capt. Charles R. Sawyer, Pfc. Charles H. Scarff, John Henry Scarpitta, Salvatore C., Jr. Schmidt, S/Sgt. Gerlot W. Schoonbrood, Jack Selke, Maj. George Shepherd, Dorothy G. Shipman, Fred W. Shrady, Lt. Frederick C. Sickman, Maj. Laurence Sizer, Maj. Theodore Skelton, Dorothy G.S. Skelton, R. A. Skilton, Lt. John D., Jr. Smyth, Lt. Craig Hugh, USNR Sponenburgh, Capt. Mark R. Stach, Jochem Standen, Capt. Edith A., WAC Steer, Capt. Kenneth, CBE Steiner, Lt. Walter Stopek, T/5 Harry Stout, Lt. Cdr. George L., USNR Stroell, Miss Barbara Taper, Lt, Bernard Taylor, Capt. Taylor, Mrs. Katharine W. W. Thornton, Capt. Asa M. Tregor, Capt. Nison A. Tucker, Eve Valland, Capt. Rose Van Der Haut, Hendrik Van Nisse, Verschoor Van Nortwick, Capt. William B. Vanderbilt, Paul Vanuxem, Jacques Villeret, Major Bulla de Vlug, Jan Vorenkamp, Lt. Col. Alphonse Vrecko, Frant Vries, Dr. A. B. de Vroom, Dr. N. R. A. Wagstaff, Capt. G. F. T. Walker, Cpl. William Walsh Ward-Perkins, Lt. Col. John Bryan Warner, Langdon Waterhouse, Maj. Ellis K. Watson, Hon. Mark Waugh, Capt. Sidney Blehler Webb, Lt. Col. Geoffrey F. Westland, Althea Whatmough, S/Sgt. J. N. Wijsenbeek, L. J. F. Wilkes, Lt. David G. Willard, Cpl. Edward N. Willess, T/5 Lester M. Williams, Maj. Lewis S. Willmot, Maj. George F. Winkler, Dr. Erik Wittmann, Maj. Otto, Jr. Wolff, Mme. Woolley, Lt. Col. Sir Leonard Yoda, Takayoshi Young, Capt. David K. Yuill Maj. Ralph W. Zimmermann, Lt. J. E.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:44:50 +0000

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