more drils on subject verb agreement Subject - Verb Agreement - - TopicsExpress


more drils on subject verb agreement Subject - Verb Agreement - Exercise 8 Directions: Write your answers in the space provided under each item. When you have completed both Parts I and II of the exercise, click on Check My Answers and check your answers with those on the answer key. Part I Directions: In each sentence below, the verb comes before the subject. Select your choice for correct subject – verb agreement. Write your completed sentence in the space provided under each item. 1. There (is, are) two classes of pure matter: elements and compounds. 2. What (does, do) scientists know today about elements? 3. Occurring naturally (is, are) over 100 elements, or substances that cannot be separated into different kinds of matter. 4. There (is, are) however, numerous elements that are man-made as well. 5. There (continues, continue) to be much research to add new elements. Part II Directions: These sentences contain a mixture of correct and incorrect subject – verb combinations, with the verb coming before the subject (inverted order). Read each sentence carefully. If the subject and verb agree, write correct in the space provided below. If the subject and verb do not agree, correct the sentence. Write the corrections in the space below. 6. How does elements form compounds? 7. There is a chemical combination of two or more elements: a compound. 8. For example, composed of the two elements, sodium and chlorine, are common table salt, a compound. 9. There are new characteristics taken on by the compound, different from those of its elements. 10. How, for example, does one get table salt from a silvery, poisonous metal (sodium) and a greenish, poisonous gas (chlorine)?
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:57:44 +0000

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