more numbers (time signals) that have increased in occurrence - TopicsExpress


more numbers (time signals) that have increased in occurrence lately (yesterday and so far today) 9:28 “bringing salvation, not bearing sin” 9 occurrences 4:22 “speaking with grace” 9 occurrences 9:13 “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” 8 occurrences 4:26 “I am He” 8 occurrences 4:31 “God is merciful” 8 occurrences 9:34 “The transfiguration of Jesus, after His death” 8 occurrences 5:17 “the old has gone, the new is here” 8 occurrences 5:20 “Where sin increased, grace increased all the more” 6 occurrences 8:27 “I was there when He [God] set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep” 5 occurrences 10:26 “nothing hidden that will not be made known” 5 occurrences 10:28 eternal life 5 occurrences 11:08 telepathy 5 occurrences (the wording is something like “the hearts of many may be made known”, or “the thoughts of many may be made known”) With the number that came first as representing telepathy (2:35), there are at least 27 occurrences – a very high number compared to nearly all of the other 500 or so to which I’ve been signaled during the past 3.5 months. (I haven’t always counted this number since it was already so high from way-back-when.) So where is it, as I’ve asked before? Apparently it’s just a matter of time. For spirits, angels, angel-aliens, whatevers, 3.5 months could be like 3.5 seconds: too short a time to have gotten anything implemented around here yet. 1:17 “Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds” 5 occurrences 10:04 the time that lightning strikes a clocktower in ‘Back to the Future’ 5 occurrences 4:18 “The beginning of a mission or ministry” 4 occurrences 5:24 “let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” 4 occurrences 5:26 “Jesus also has life in God” 4 occurrences 1:25 message through a dream 2 occurrences new (one occurrence so far): 8:47 “whoever belongs to God hears what God says.” https://youtube/watch?v=vDdQcfz6pbo&list=RD1cvr3focVF0&index=2
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:08:12 +0000

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