morning all well its 4.26 am and as usual im up and trying to jump - TopicsExpress


morning all well its 4.26 am and as usual im up and trying to jump start my heart with a cup of coffe. so yesterday i counted the houres i worked and i put in a 15 houre day. i actulay counted the houres i worked doing something around here i got started at 7 am and didet finish untill 10 pm. i counted the houres after i got told by mr prepper i dident do anything around here but stay on the computer. i was boiling mad and shelling beans at the time i guess i will just fix his tale and not cook supper for a week or 2. they say the way to a mans heart is through his stomic but i think revenge is steet sometimes lol. oh well it is what it is enough ranting lol. on the news thismorning thay had a report on apple juce they were talking about reducing the amount of arsnic in store bought apple juce to the amount thats in our drinking water. i know i got apple juce in my pantry so as of today im throwing it away. and i have 25 jugs of spring water so im good there. its no wonder we are all getting sick. i was at the hospitle all last week and just about every pathent there had some form of cancer these were people who faught for our freedom in some form over the years. and im here to tell you now this is the worst hospitle i have ever ben in. in the whole week i was there my friends room was cleaned 1 time and i had to ask them to clean it. i had to ask for clean sheets and change her bed myself. they dont bath the pathents or help them i had to do this for her. if the pathents push the nurs buzzer it might be answered 2 houres later and most of the time you half to run a nurse down and wen you find them they are texting or watching a ballgame on there cell phones. they dont bring water or ice. the pathents are given less than a childs porthen of food and scream in pane for up to 2 houres before they are brought there pane meds. this angers me to no end our vetrens deserve better treatment than this. many times i went to the nursess station and found noone out there for houres on end. the docters there are great and they come from vanderbelt but its the pathent care i question. wile i was there i made friends with many people and one was a woman whos housband was there for kemo treetments but insted of giving kemo they gave him heart medicine and stoped his heart and she said he had died 3 times that day. another kemo pathent was there and his wife told me that she was having to clean his room also because wen you are taking treetments you are supposed to not be around germs. i hurd many horrer stories from pathents who were there for one reason or another. some criticly ill ones are wateing monthes to even get treetment. our vets deserve better than this please share this post along the internet path and maby the right person will see it and do something this hads ben on my hert like a giant rock here lately. and maby someware down the road something will be done about this proublem. im gona jump off here for now i got a lot to do today. i dident get all of my beans shelled so i half to finish it. and i need to take the beans out of the dehydrater and put in a load of peppers. bazell, dill. rosemarry and parsley.and i need to pull the onions and pick okra. and spray the beans and of corse feed the animals! have a great day! Peace&Love
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 10:43:31 +0000

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