ms lana, Im startin to get tired of talkin to u, if seem like da - TopicsExpress


ms lana, Im startin to get tired of talkin to u, if seem like da shtt I tell u goes in one ear and comes out da otha, idk if ya ignorant or doin on purpose, ms did I or did I not side I hav a lot of styles, I hav so many styles, yall wud swear Im not myself, just becuz yall neva seen me use a style before to da extreme does not mean its not my style, yall keep forgettin yall celebs dont kno me, yall dont kno and just becuz yall been talkin to me for years, yall swear yall got wat Im a basically like, wrong wrong and wrong, yall do not kno me, yall might kno some things, but not evrything, yall wud swear I cant draw, yall wud swear I dont hav animation skills, yall wud swear I cant build a game online, yall wud swear, but just becuz yall cud swear and neva seen me do it or create, does not mean I cant recreate it, I said I do things wen I really need to, well, yall is about to get hit wit some much creativity and dissing, that Im gonna pretty much effect a lot, yall swear yall kno me, yall swear swear swear that yall kno my skills and ready for a war, no yall not, I always stay wit hidden capabilities dont nobody knows about, see u quoted bruce, but probably actually kno very lil of him, wat ya doin quotin somebody u dont kno about much, u quotin ppl u do not kno about much, I quote ppl I kno a lot about, did u kno dat, smh... ms, if u knew about bruce, and u kno about me, u wud kno at da end of his life story, wen revealed all his skills to be nice, somebody tried to learn it all then try to battle him and kill him, so yall think yall kno all my skills capabilities, so yall tryin to battle and defeat me, but yall dont kno I got waaaayyy waaaayy more skills than I show, much much more skills than yall wud think, much much much and many many many skills and dats only in entertainment, yall really dont kno how in depth I goes into psychology, yall really dont kno if I got da capability of pulling da whole field and evry field connected to it, into this direction, do u think dat baby shtt wit changing eyes and facial features before birth is a made up thing ms, miss I cud get just as deep wit pullin in giants cartoon companies as da psychology fields, I kno wat their audience like and I kno wat dey addictive too and likes a lot, and I am excellent at marketing, I am more good than any of yall wud actually think, yall think Im above my head, yall kno nothin about me, yall kno about 7% of da shtt I cud do and really do, yall hav no clue wat yall about to get hit wit, and tyra cant do flawsome, cuz dey need to get phucked up for assumin dey kno wat Im capable of and then tryin to use it to battle and argue and get me mad, Im not doin no flawsome, these artists, really really need to experience some serious shtt, some real serious shtt, da more some show, da less ppl see, da more skills I show, da less skills dey think I hav, dey hav no clue how fast I learn new skills, and how fast I masters it, dey hav no clue, dey are ppl dat tries to learn new ones and use it on ppl dey got it from, wat da phuck dey think this is, dey think this is you got serve battle 3, dey think dey gonna copy my shtt and use it on me, smh, dey much be buggin, dey da type of ppl will say chill and wont chill, dey will be like nah u shudnt do dat and do dat, so we cud phuck up and kick u to da curb, who da phuck dey think dey talkin to, dey think dey kno all my skills levels, maaaann I will end their career, dey hav pushed me to da limit of wat! its time for them to feel wat it feels like to get smack up by me being a super saiyon its a power beyond da average kind, dey think dey gonna be prepared, nah nah, nothin fixes wat Im gonna do, Im gonna draw a lot of niches into 1 direction, their major records marketin wont be able to stop it, cuz dey market to promote and in da music biz and for da music audiences, dey wudnt kno where to start to draw a bunch of otha types of niches to an area, and Im guessin da music artists thinkin I speak of niche and cant do it, well, its time and I am totally preparing to smack fire out them, dey not dat good, at da moment, I messed up all their skills, dey think got skills now, u cant tell them nothin, dey swear dey kno dey cant get knocked down from being a celeb, dey think cuz there successful they cant become unsuccessful, dey think Im so below dem and cud talk shtt, dey nevered experienced being exterminated, to all da guys, dey think and swear dey cant go no where, they think they own their fans and dey wont and will not change their mind, dey are some ungrateful asses, smh, u cannot discipline, nor can I discipline ppl dat old enough to think for themselves and learn from themselves, but hav one way of thinkin, see wen an individual hav a certain experience in da biz and understanding, an individual shud kno how to talk and gain new styles and how to encourage and far as battle, if things get out of hand, dey approach on a private level and ask wats da problem and comes up wit a solution before things get worst or before worst comes to worst, but no, dey think all kinds of media types are great meaning, as long as ya name stays in da media or press its good, not wen it comes to the battle (the magazines), it dont work like dat in all da niche types across da world, dey think it does, it dont, all da rules in da music biz do not apply to movie and da cartoon world, it dont, maybe some rules, not all da rules, dey think dey kno all da rules, dey dont, dey think da illuminati gonna be able to help them, dey phuckin not, and if dey stop this shtt from gettin developed, dey it will be a 100% war, a true ww3, not a few artists spittin and shtt, a phuckin real thing, dey thing their weak ass loop poles gonna work now, hell to da no, Im gonna phuck up da whole biz, cuz music artists wanted to try to do somethin dey aint capable of, dey want me to calm, I aint calmin down, I said to dem lets work togetha, dey dont so phuck em, Im gonna cancel out twitter, its about to be a done deal to celebs soon, cuz of music artists igronace, if dey treat me like this, and get away wit it, then they will feel dey cud treat their fans however dey want, phuck dat, dey need to learn how to appreciate ppl acknowledging them, dey think dey own their fans, how da phuck ya think ya own ya fans, smh, dats wat I hear in my ears, once I delete a way for them to constantly stay in touch wit their fans, then it will fade on its own, and how dey stay in touch wit their fans, twitter, mainly twitter, I already mastered twitter, so takin it out, is quite simple, da only thing is needed is an article of how fantasy talk got developed, nobody cud save them, dey best bet is come and get me, dey act like dey got an option, its either, deal wit some shtt lata or learn to accept me as who I am than try to battle it, cuz I got evry skill in da music biz, I literally do, dats y I started off wit da artists, dey will read this, and male artists will come up wit new songs on VHH and still talk shtt, smh, dey cant imagine me havin evry skill in da music business, evry thing u cud think of, I got dat skill, do u kno how many skills is in da music biz alone ms, just think about that, then multiple 75% of each skill in da otha entertainment fields and wen u get dat numba, then add da one from music to da otha numba, but keep in mind, I didnt include psychology stuff, but just do da entertainment stuff and wen u get a numba, dats wat da artists up against, dey think I just talk, well dey about to experience a lot get fired at da same time, shtt aint gonna work and dey gonna complain to me, but will forget dey shud of listened to me before it took off, I swear 90% of them are truly dumb and shud take their asses back to school, for more common senses shtt, but if dey go outside of march, dey really stupid than dey I look, I promise u, it will come across ya mind lata, wen a orange wave effect take place (and orange wave is my football team name in hs)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:04:10 +0000

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