muslim IS THRILL AT BEHEADING A BABY MY DEAR FRIENDS: This sitting US Pres SON-OF-ISLAM obama may be afraid and clueless about declaring that the US is at war with IS, but they are certainly at war with us. Their HATRED and everything the muslim IS stands for is the opposite of freedom. Not only do they delight in beheading men and women (post rape), their greatest joy and thrll is beheading babies and children (post rape). QUESTION The US impotency under obama is a disgrace, and the fact that only 2 members of an alleged coalition are going to help with airstrikes speaks volumes, doesnt it? ANSWER You know the answer If the US still has the ability to lead, IS and other muslim brutes MUST be wiped out IMMEDIATELY. WE ARE IN BEAUCOUP TROUBLE I TOLD YOU AM YISROEL CHAI ISRAEL=JEWISH NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD their state=TransJordan WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLS muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET JIHAD WATCH-September 15, 2014 This savage also murdered four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. Clearly a murderous psychopath will find a belief system that encourages and justifies violence attractive. “French journalist tells of being tortured in Syria by Islamic terrorist,” by Matthew Campbell, The Times, September 15, 2014 A FRENCH journalist who was held hostage by rebels in Syria has given a chilling account of his ­ordeal at the hands of an Islamic terrorist who tortured him and bragged about beheading women and children. Nicolas Henin, who was ­released in April, recalled last week how his captor, Mehdi Nemmouche, a French citizen of Algerian origin, appeared to take perverse pleasure in describing atrocities he had committed while fighting with Islamic State. Nemmouche has since gone on trial in Belgium accused of the murder of four people in an attack on the Jewish museum in Brussels in May. “Do you know what happens when I go into a Shi’ite home?” Henin recalled Nemmouche asking him one day. “First, there’s the grandmother — I only use one bullet on her, she’s not worth more — then the wife. First, I rape her, then I cut her throat.” According to Henin — who was held for some time with James Foley, an American journalist murdered by Islamic State — Nemmouche continued: “Then I come to the baby. Ah, a baby! You cannot imagine the pleasure you get from cutting off a baby’s head.” Nemmouche, 29, was the most brutal of several French jihadists guarding hostages in the basement of an eye hospital in Aleppo. Henin said Nemmouche had punched him several times in the face and ordered him to confess to being a French spy, which he ­denied. Nemmouche also terrorised about 50 Syrian prisoners in other cells. “The torture went on all night, until prayers at dawn,” Henin wrote in Le Point magazine. “The howls of the prisoners ­alternated with shouts in French.” For Henin, Nemmouche behaved like an “uncouth adolescent, eaten up by hatred and stupidity but not presenting the image you might expect of a terrorist”. Nemmouche idolised Mohamed Merah, who shot dead three French soldiers, a rabbi and three Jewish children in Toulouse in 2012. Nemmouche, he said, seemed less interested in dying as a “martyr” in Syria than getting on to the front pages.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:33:10 +0000

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