# Global residents from India: A new - TopicsExpress

   # Global residents from India: A new opportunity awaits law firms # The whole Flipkart $1 billion funding and the rising number of young, mobile Indian multimillionaires on the one hand, and the general downward societal spiral that India seems to be heading into on the other, raised an interesting aspect (in my head) about a luxury that few enjoyed in the generations before us, and one that is becoming commonplace now — global residence. Do we realize that today, like never before, Indians, most of us beginning at the start line, have the option of settling in a foreign land and making it our own while still retaining our Indianness (and our passports, too)? The last few decades have already seen a large and eclectic mix of Indians settle abroad — LN Mittal, Amartya Sen, Vishy Anand and Vikram Seth to name a few. However, today, with the world literally shrinking (and in some places, even bunching up) and ties of commerce and culture, love and family pollinating us without visas, more people around the world are moving out and settling in other countries. Though the developed world has always maintained an exclusive club of cross-patriation between themselves, especially the cousins on either side of the Atlantic, the mingling of lesser mortals with these elitists invariably resulted in them having to naturalize, meaning take up the adopting countrys citizenship. This will explain the Patels, Gills and Solankis, those emigrated up till the 1970s to the UK, US and Canada. The Naidoos and Chettys of southern Africa, and the others in the Middle East also have similar stories. Apparently, the chief reasons worldwide among the people moving out these days are higher taxes, political turmoil, and privacy and personal freedom. For Indians, add the benefits of better quality of life and global filial ties and the woes of pollution, population, heat, traffic, law and order, sanitation and what you will, and no wonder more Indians look for opportunities to live abroad while retaining one foot in India. Unlike that generation which moved out for better employment, which is still a major cause for expatriation (think Indian doctors and software professionals abroad), rich Indians today want to have the choice. Stable economies like Canada or New Zealand or those of mainland Europe led by Switzerland have a fairly open policy to welcoming the rich ones from around the world. So long as you are willing to invest in their countries (read: if you are wealthy enough), you will be given the royal treatment — residence, citizenship, land, the works! This list is now ever-increasing with little countries like Cyprus, Malta, St. Kitts & Nevis etc. also offering havens in exchange for money. Despite the heavy traffic of global Indian commuters, one finds it strange that not many law firms in India specialize in emigration. While the West where the subcontinental diaspora is high, is rife with desi law firms that focus on immigration, that enthusiasm is low back in the homeland - except the stratum that provides low-end labour to the Gulf, Singapore or elsewhere, such as plumbers and taxi drivers, which is indulged in by an amorphous group of unregulated touts, who before any negative imputations are drawn, generally manage to get the work done thanks to their brethren already settled in those countries. The reason can partly be attributed to the legal landscape that prevents foreign law firms from entering India. Immigration consultancy and practice requires a good interface at both ends - both in the country of emigration and immigration. Considering that tax implications and wealth management are the prime considerations in an endeavor contemplating relocation, with residence and business environment closely following, a solid integrated solution being provided by one firm at both ends is always more helpful. The embargo on foreign firms means that Indians are also unable to forge a meaningful relationship in other countries that will enable them to give a one-stop solution to prospective emigrants. Another reason could also be the constant state of dynamic murkiness that seems to exist when it comes to foreign exchange management and the attendant RBI circulars on how much Indian money can move abroad and the overlapping babudom by state agencies such as the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Finance Ministry etc. makes it unattractive to structure a legal business model around it. There is also the regulatory side of immigration, which requires hands-on involvement on the part of the practitioner, with the government and policy makers to guide expatriation and repatriation policies. These are areas that Indian practitioners have not really established despite changing trends. Even some of the sporadic stabs at dual citizenship have been made by NRIs and Indian groups abroad, and never from within. Now, take for instance Henley & Partners, a Swiss firm, who are the leaders of global residence and citizenship planning; they are said to be the first to in fact institutionalize the concept of providing residence planning (in the 1990s), or as they call it: Residence of Choice. They have three wings dealing each with residence and citizenship planning, real estate planning and fiduciary and tax planning. These guys provide you services across the board - your opportunities, choices, requirements, tax implications, immigration, real estate and business considerations, trusts and such, meaning they do everything from the time you express an interest in a second residence abroad (or in moving permanently, the only residence) till the time you move into that country and settle down. With offices in 20 countries around the world, they are able to provide comprehensive solutions in the departing country as well as the arriving country. They also have a government advisory limb which is in constant contact with the administrations of countries that they work out of, in order to provide the best value to their clients. Come more riches and come more success, this is a demand that is only going to escalate in times to come. Indian law firms just need to figure out how to make hay here, while the sun shines in a foreign land. *Kaushik Murali | Sep 1, 2014,TOI*
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:00:00 +0000

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