my beautiful sister Nancy would have been 50 today so rather then - TopicsExpress


my beautiful sister Nancy would have been 50 today so rather then dwell on her passing, let me tell you of some of the good times and her wonderful sense of humor. We, my Mother and I were visiting her when she lived in the state of Washington paying back $$$$$$$$ in loans for her dental education. They took us out to a posh restraunt to eat. Her husband ordered a wine(I hate wine I wanted milk) anyhow he smelled it and then had the waiter pour it into our glasses. I got thirsty at one point and wanted something to drink so I took up the wine glasss since my choices were that or water and I hate water. I was told the wine had to rest. What? So I asked the wine if he had enough rest and prceeded to drink some, still would rather have my milk. Well my sister laughted and her husband just rolled his eyes. I guess someone forgot to tell him I had no class. The meal cost a fortune but for Nancy nothing was too good for her family. I was at her house one time for a visit and all people down there have a pool in their back yard. So Nancy wanted to go for a swim. She left the room and came back in flippers and a mask I said what the heck are you Nancy Cousteau? its a pool not a dving expedition. We both laughted. Another time her husband wanted to show me an alligator that lived in some water in her back yard down the hill aways. We took a stick in case he decided not to be friendly. I only saw the little one and the eyes of the bigger one. When we got back she chewed her husband out for taking me down there. Apparently this was one back ass gator and she said to him " What the hell are you trying to get my sister eaten up?" I have to make this shorter but have two more stories. While visitng her where she did her studies she showed me her teeth casted in plaster, this is something all dentist have to do I asked if I could keep them. She thought this might have been a strange request coming from someone other then me. I still have them today on my bureau. Now the last one sorry folks I know its long but those who know Nancy can appreicate this. This is her humor. I was watching t.v. and saw this thing called a tumbleweed rolling across the road. I told Nancy how cute they were so lo and behold I get a box marked fragile. I open it . It was a tumbleweed that she and her husband had chased down the street to get for me. The instructions said if you play the tune roll out the barrel it will roll for you. Only Nancy with her humor would do this. Love you for all the good times and thanks so much for being my sister. Miss you. Obama Makes Me Puke
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 11:23:04 +0000

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