my beloved GREEN NATION, i simply wish to encourage you to NEVER - TopicsExpress


my beloved GREEN NATION, i simply wish to encourage you to NEVER despair... Rome was not built in one day! a wise man said: you will endure many heart-breaks, hardships and defeats in your lifetime but NEVER let your SPIRIT be defeated! somebody said: when one door closes, another one opens. so we WILL rise, we WILL dust ourselves off and we WILL continue the long hard march to the PROMISED LAND! remember: WINNERS NEVER QUIT and QUITTERS NEVER WIN! yes, the BDP-UDC Allaince strategy to split the honourable opposition may have worked for them this time and they may have succeeded in bluffing the workers and masses of our beloved country with EMPTY PROMISES but their true nature will soon be revealed and the people will rise up against this dubious Allaince whose sole intention is to further disenfranchise the poor workers and masses, and to continue to line their pockets with their ill-gottens gains! Comrades, even though batswana were seemingly bamboozled by the shady Allaince, BCP is STILL READY TO LEAD!!!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:09:08 +0000

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