my dad in his foot ball years. I miss you dad sooo much so much - TopicsExpress


my dad in his foot ball years. I miss you dad sooo much so much has changed since u passed and it sucks!.... I feel as if I am in a differnt world. we all dont get to gather any more, the house is empty and cold with out you, their is no reason to go their any more its just not the same with out you. you wr the rock and kept us all to gather and in touch. I feel as if our family is broken with out you. I hope that all us girls can become more closer then what we have been and get to gather like we used to. since u passed dad its like every one is strangers, its not supposed to be like that. I miss you dad and I reailize now in so many ways what a wounderful father you wr and taken on respoability s you didnt even have to, no one will ever compair to you and I wish my children had a father as stong and all about his family like you. you never once put us last, you written their no matter what, you nevere went out or put any one b for us, you bathed us, fed us, disaplined us, tought us so much, hugged us and kissed us, even through the hard years you always maid us feel loved!.... all those little things you did dad, they made a differnce and those are the things that have mattered most. I still cant listen to all your faverit songs or pictures with out breaking down. i listen and sing a long with tears running down my face and I look at ur pics with tears yet a smile on my face. I miss you dad and I wish you could be hear to see all your grand kids, they are all so beautiful and great, wish you could be her to see the three grand babies on the way. I cant wait till the day you see them all, ud be sooo proud!...... I love you dad
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 18:36:32 +0000

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