my day so far; A walk along esplanade to Coffee Club for free - TopicsExpress


my day so far; A walk along esplanade to Coffee Club for free wifi, even though I am out of everyones way smokers still hang around and I am in their stench, I leave. Down to Starbucks dodging people texting for a coffee, loud mouthed yank on Skype drowning everyone else out, I finish my coffee and get out of there. Walk along footpath away from the esplanade and I have to get off the footpath because some young prick on a skateboard totally oblivious to me expects it. Back to the café strip into chemist to get a script, while waiting for script to be filled, I go over to the newsagent to get a magazine. Attendant starts a phone conversation and she stands there with her hand out expecting me to serve her or hold her hand, not too sure about that one. I say, I will be back when your finished, dumb look at me. When I get to the counter the second time, I am the biggest prick alive for pointing out how rude and ignorant she has been, after all its the customers who pay your wages girlie. Back to my dingy to go home and the chronically Christian woman is swimming on the beach. Without saying a word I bolt. 1300hrs, what should I do for the rest of the day, slash my wrists, hang myself from the yardarm or just OD on pain killers...too many options. Does anyone have any idea why I prefer to stick to myself on a quiet anchorage? Staff think I am odd when I take my cup back to counter in a café. I am simply saving them a job and leaving the table as I found it. Unfortunately, courtesy, manners and respect are dying out. Anybody reading this, please sit your kids down and explain a few things to them.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 04:16:29 +0000

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