my heroes. Mutasim Ali “People better stop whining and - TopicsExpress


my heroes. Mutasim Ali “People better stop whining and complaining, this is the situation and we have to deal with it” The first Anniversary of our strike January 5th! 5th of January is the day we started one of the biggest civil rights movement in the history of this country. More than 35.000 people have come together to protest our legitimate rights of having a fair policy (to consider asylum seekers and residents) in addition to be treated humanely regardless to whatever name you call us or our descend. We also demonstrated the detention and retroactive detention in addition to release our brothers who spent more than two years in prisons without due process. To change an entire policy, especially when it comes to immigration, it is not an easy task. Until today many of us might not notice or appreciate the progress or the success we have made, but at least one thing happened and that is to have our brothers who stayed in jails for more than two years being free. And for that we thank the genius lawyers and everyone who invested a second on this issue, you made a change in people’s lives. We are in a mission, and we will complete. Two points I want to make: There is a center called Israeli Immigration Policy Center, it is very much concerned about immigration in other parts of the world, but in fact they do not have any idea about immigration other than sharing written articles and false news most of the time. For instance, when Australian government sent some asylum seekers back or kept them in detention centers, they were very happy and immediately shared the news. But when the Australian high court of justice ordered to close the detention centers, they didn’t share anything about it. I have news for you, don’t get too excited because in Australia at least there is a quota of absorption. Then to Denmark, when they say the report about Eritrea was flawed no more talks about it. Let me address your ignorance and contradictions; whenever you say Sudanese and Eritreans are work migrants and in the same time you share an article saying that there is a reformation process in Eritrea and Sudan, means implicit confession that there’s a problem which makes your point of work migrants baseless. This point is specifically to my fellow Sudanese and Eritreans and everyone in detention. I understand the hardship of our situation, and I also do understand the depression and the frustration. However, we can not whine and complain all the time about it. This is the situation and you have to deal with it. We have been through the worst, Holot is nothing compared to War and Genocide in Sudan. Holot is nothing compared to dictatorship and underground jails in Eritrea or torture camps in Sinai. I’m sure we are stronger enough to overcome it. It makes me sick when some of us complain about coldness in winter and heat in summer, are you kidding me?! You know what, Holot is better than being in Sudan now, because there you can easily be killed, and it is better than Eritrea if you fled prison, lets face it. I’m not saying we need to stay in Holot, it is horrible indeed for the innocents, but we can not cry like little babies, come on! We have so much power to do things and make a difference and that will not be easy. All we have to do is to keep the spirits up, not to whine and never give up. Be active, involved and determined. #Freedom Thanks David Sheen
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:45:48 +0000

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