my life feels like an ARKetypal fairy tale right now: i will - TopicsExpress


my life feels like an ARKetypal fairy tale right now: i will translate the german to english for this to make sense, but its all 100% f-actual... Good God, I feel like all of this research is finally starting to pay off. So, If youre interested in reading about my experiences, lets get started: After wandering and wondering around trying to figure life out, and finding out it is endlessly confusing, if i am just trying to get more, after getting acquainted with ancient history, metaphysics, physics, psychology, philosophy, alchemy, music, yoga, movement, motivation, meditation blah blah blah blah blah, never ending list of confusing and never ending subjects my journey has become clearer and a lot simpler... It hit me: It hit me, and it is continuing to hit me, the truth is simple... I have to simplify all of my opinIONS to cut through fictIONS to get to the real fACTS... I have to not have any more opinions Men suffer no more greatly than under the deception of their own opinions... but just look at life as it is. The truth is so simple, you can reduce it into a symbol, like the tai chi symbol, or the swastika, or the cross and etch it into stone, like our ancient forfathers did, and veil or reveal the nature of nature. So get this: I live on Get Stone street, which ends at a 90° angle adjacent to Electricity Street which is a 4 row separated street, on which lots of traffic zooms along all day, which makes me think of AC/DC Electricity system we use given to us by Tesla, Electricity street crosses a bridge over water which then leads to Tower street. Tower Street makes me think of this tarot card in which the tower is struck by lightning/ electricity: Electricity... various physicists like EinStein (german for One Stone) said: If only we could understand electricity... we would be so much further along our path Tesla spent his whole life studying ELectricity. ELemental forces, and he changed the world by doing so. EL is one of the earliest names for god and it is still present in our languages, everywhere, as a preFIX. So anyway, this ELectricity (street) striking the tower (street)... 1+1 right ? Electricity street, tower street, and my street: get stone street, following me so far ? Its all connected. Well, on we go, I feel like I live in a tower... and, I am being struck be LIGHTning... It is an ARKetypal lightning strike signifying: the dissolution of the ego, epiphanies, kundalini rising, the truth not conforming to the ego and thus blowing it apart, and so on: Crisis — Revelation — Disruption — Realizing the truth... What is the truth? Something which cannot die, something which can never be reduced or enlarged... cut down into words, or even really communicated; The truth, neo, must be realized. So anyway, on we go: we want to heal the world, we want to spread the truth, but we cannot force it on anyone, let alone ourselves, it has to be gradually realized, like regaining strength by eating and doing exercise over time. What causes the body to heal? Who knows... The truth is, no one really knows! Its a mystery and we can describe parts of it, but not all of it. Tower street is a busy market street with many shops on either side, connected to tower street is forest-y street, and on this street, yesterday, i photographed the mandala on the church which visually is very connected to one which my friend Ralph Wedekind Raphael discovered in Peru, which changed his life and started his great journey of discovery which is also now further triggering mine... the mandala is in essence, a self dual, representing the self-opposing, self-exciting, self-structuring nature of nature and DNA... Or you could also say: Two opposing a-symmetric swastikas. Anyway, on Tower Street, there are mainly Arabic shops and restaurants, now, one of the greatest questions I always had about life is WHY? Thanks to another good friend of mine Michael Jacobs helping me understand how to stop thinking and judging everything all the time... and not be confused by language, to stop the babbler going on and on. I have come to truly see Babel or Babylon for what it is: CONFUSION, and of course, What was Babylon famous for, if not its tower!?!? Now, Sevan Bomaer recently said: The languages of this world are like a giant mandala, and if they are joined together, well, then it all Starts to make Sense again! I Agree so much!!! :) And heres me doing my part to reassemble it, alongside all of you great minds! To undo the curse of the tower of babel, and the confusion which God... Our Collective UNconscious to use Jungian Terms (remember that UN-post-card-of the tower of Babel?) decided to do to us/ we did to ourselves. So that UNITY and commUNicatION can once again freely take place in the previous tarot card, number 15, the devil, the devil is explained as y/our personal repressed energies, MEMories forgotten and so on, which are keeping you & me/ ewe/ me & we a slave to circumstance and in bondage to things we are not conscious of... we as humanity are unconscious of so much, and if you were going to ask me where I beLIEve humanity is currently located, I would say, in the tower: away from nature, just escaped the devil, waiting for lightning to strike... Now, The journey continues with Otto Mahatma Pinkus Torres who came and visited me last summer, we even went to OTTO Street connected to tower street together and visited the playground! How unreal eh? TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN fictION. so anyway, i notice the house numbers 16 to 22 of the street sign, 16, like the number of the tower card, and 22, like the 22 paths through the tree of life, and the 22 dna Codons! So, moving on, For such a long period in life i saw 137 ( a number which united wolfgang pauli, c.g. jung, me ralph and otto), 22, 55, 33 and so on, everywhere, and now it is finally starting to make more sense... This quest I started on 9/11 or 11/9 (depending on how you read time), to figure out what the HELL is going on in this world, is advancing, I am seeing everything with excited eyes once again... the MONoPOLY which evil has had, which corruption has reigned with, is coming to an end, and the collective CONSCIOUS is rising... It is reminding us all of our origins, and showing us the way to a better future, a future with free energy, curing diseases, united man kind, less confusion or perhaps none... All in all, this whole adventure is showing me we are here to heal and complete DNA, by changing our perspective, we are here to heal the natIONS from every angle using every angel we know... There truly are no coincidences, and raphael, michael, seven, otto... are ARKetypes too! Thank you so much for being on this journey with me... I am figuring out why I was named Samuel ADam... Another ARKetype :) Good night!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:22:58 +0000

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