my number is 13. 1. I was born in a small town in Kansas, left - TopicsExpress


my number is 13. 1. I was born in a small town in Kansas, left there at 5, I loved visiting as a teenager because I was the new girl in town and all the boys wanted to know who I was. 2. Took me 48 years to figure out that I meant to be a writer and create things that would help others grow in Christ. 3. I meet the love of my life twelve years ago and gained the big family I had always longed for. I gained 4 kids that I love very much. They challenge me to be a better person and mother. They are a gift from God and I am grateful to be in their lives. 4. Our family is like a modern version of the brady bunch... 6 Kids. 5. My favorite thing to do with my Dad as a kid was skip rocks at the lake and sing silly songs to the radio in his truck. My dad could skip a rock...sometimes 3 or 4 skips with one rock. 6. I still cant eat creamed peas. We would have Birdseye frozen creamed peas growing up and they would make me gag so I would wait until everyone left the table, put mine in my napkin and throw them away. I never got caught. 7. Growing up I wanted to be a dancer or a gymnast. I still love to watch people do both. I didnt know there were schools for such things until I was in my 30s and went to New York for the first time. I remember feeling sad that I didnt know the world was bigger and had more options when I was young. 8. I was a single parent for 18 years with my oldest son. It was hard but I would do it all over again just to have been his mother. 9. I couldnt bake a cake (or any dessert you would want to eat) to save my life until four years ago when my husband taught me his tricks. They worked and I have baking ever since. 10. I had a dog name Sally when I was in 1st grade. She was my first dog that belonged to only me. She got sick with distemper. I came home from school everydayt to take care of her. In the end she died and I have never felt the same about a dog. 11. When I was about 10 we had an old english sheep dog named Semore Sikworth the 3rd. He was huge! Everytime I would go outside and feed him he would jump on me and knock me off the porch. One time I landed face first in the mud. We used to give him a bath, then put powder on him. He would run through the house shaking himself causing actual clouds of powder in the house. 12. At five or six my Moms boyfriend at the time took my sister and I out to a farm. We came back with a baby duck which we named Ducky Doodle. We used to fill the tub up with water and let her swim until one time we forgot the water was running and it overflowed the bathroom. Ducky Doodle got a new home shortly after we got him. 13. If I could travel anywhere in the world I would go walk where Jesus walked in Israel.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:25:49 +0000

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