...my other rant for the nite, for your convenience, do it your - TopicsExpress


...my other rant for the nite, for your convenience, do it your self ...cell phone service here sux, after numerous calls, we get an extender...great ...extender fails after 60 days, call Verizon...they ask numerous questions to make sure Im allowed to get my own phone fixed(which I apparently wasnt, but thats another rant)...after all these questions, secret codes, a secret handshake or two, they finally tell me they will tell me how to fix it, maybe...Im thinking for what we pay per month, there should be a guy in a uniform driving a Verizon van at my door, not me climbing a ladder to check out their equipment, mounted 10 ft high in a cabinet...I would have mounted it at ground level ...I climb the ladder (good thing I recently purchased one, so I could do their job), over and over, they want numbers, Im hanging onto the ladder trying to not get killed, trying to figure out which piece of equipment they are talking about, there is a lot of hi-tech equipment here that all looks deadly if approached from the wrong angle...after hours of phone calls, some of which we were cut off just after answering all the security crap(15-20 minutes), they finally came to the conclusion we needed to call the internet provider, Verizon had exhausted their guesses...keep in mind they were sitting in a chair, I was the bozo on the ladder the whole time...this was several hours ...Readers Digest version, the call to Brighthouse was an exact repeat of the Verizon call, me on a ladder half a dozen times, phone in one hand, hoping if I fall off the ladder I can at least hit the washing machine on the way down to break my fall...no help there, but it was only a couple of more hours ...back to Verizon, for my convenience etc...up the ladder a few more times, unplug, reboot, look at the lights, unplug etc etc...just another hour or so this time... ...final decision, they are mailing me a new extender for ME to install...sure do miss the guy in the van with the uniform, saying Hi, Im with XXX company and Im here to fix your problem...it wasted a whole day, had they sent out someone, it would have been a 10 minute job and I would have let him use my ladder...the world today for your convenience, do it your self
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:55:34 +0000

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