my sister told me i had to say 9 things.. so here are some fun - TopicsExpress


my sister told me i had to say 9 things.. so here are some fun facts for all of you. 1. When having a conversation with me you will be able to hear a southern, new york, irish, or australian accent. Dont know why, but it happens. 2.My nephew Ty ( Victoria Love ) could not say Aunt Claire when he was a baby, he would pronounce it as caca, meaning shit in spanish. He still calls me that to this day. 3. (relating to number 2) my sister Brady Copertino Cherneski ) called me poop up until i was about 12 years old. 4. When i was younger i would fake a injury because i WANTED a cast. then when i was playing football, my childhood friend kevin, kicked my thumb and it snapped. my dad didnt believe me when i walked in the door, so i had to call my mom and explain this actually was an emergency. i had a blue thumb cast for that break. 5. When i was 4 years old my face was attacked by a dog. muscles hanging out of my cheeks and all. now, when people ask me where i got my scars on my cheek i tell them i got into a fight and the girl pulled out a knife. its a great story, and yes i tell the truth, just after i see their reaction. 6. i have HORRIBLE A.D.D and i SUCK at telling jokes and stories. my punch lines never make sense either. 7. my 4 year old niece, Blake, is the best shopping partner. EVER. everything is bootiful and oh i love this! this is your size, buy it (even when it is a double zero, and thats definitely not happening) 8. i never give an educated answer as to why i declined my acceptance into FIDM in LA for fashion and went to hawaii. little did i know this huge decision was going to be so meaningful and life changing, no education can beat that. 9. i pulled a maryland monroe when i was 3. i decided i wanted to dress myself to go to a broadway show in NYC with my family. so on that windy day on the 42nd street crosswalk, the wind blew and up went my dress. everyone was so shocked because i decided that day i didnt want to wear underwear. my aunt ( Patricia Copertino Benvenuto ) told me i responded with i didnt want to wear them because they were uncomfortable. :)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:10:02 +0000

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