my thought of the day... throught many many years. i have - TopicsExpress


my thought of the day... throught many many years. i have always been on the up and down path of life. things happen that has made me fill like shit and there are other things that has happened that has made my life great. so really its been a good balance. from having a year of being depressed with being happ with my ex wife to having learned that my life can always be composed of up and downs. so really it goes to say that GOD has been keeping me blessed. sinced ive lived here in lemoore ive just been either going one way or the other. but i can say ive been a better postion now then ive ever been in the longest time. ive learned the toughest lessons ive even been shown. and really its been a nice battle. i have great friends. ive been having a great carreer. its not been the best one. and its not been the way i want it to be. i may not be doing what i want to do. but its nothing that i discorage. its nothing that would make me say i should have never done this. it may have been like that years ago. but its better then what most people can say they have had. life is just something that you have to giv time to. nothing can be perfect. and ive learnd that. it hurts to always bump into the same walls all the time. but sometimes you have to do that to understand these things. and even whe you know that no one can ever understand what your really going thorough. there is one. and hes the man that made it that way. i want to thank GOD for just putting it in a way that only i would know. no one else. and thats how everyone should show it. think of it like something that you cant jsut change. ive always fought what i like doing because i feel i will never know who or what i am. but really im just one person who enjoys feeding others to be better. do fight what you like doing. it was given to you for a reason. do it. if it helps someone keep doing it. if it hurts someon change it. and the though of the friends and family i keep. i start to see with yall that it makes a difference. i barley get to see and talk to alot of good friends i have it dont mean i dont ever forget them but i kinda mis the old days i get to jsut relax and chill with the real homies that i know keep me held down about life. keep your friends alive cuz you never know who will be there on your last dime. its the same with your family. and as much as they do get on my nerves i can never forget them. my nana always reminds me on how things can never be great but that one person in your life can always make it worth it. so many days my nanas smile can just change the mood in the room and thats what makes somany things worth it. my anut was like that and my grandfather was just the manthat could make you just love life and make it better. so man good memories just make me wonder how dumb ive been at times. but yet it has helpe me grow. to all those ive met thought friends family and others that ive been with friendship wise and in a relationship. thanks i will always love ya like brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. and mothers to. and my love is something i like having around. shes been my light through my darkness and GOD has given me a woman that has made my life so wonderful. she is everything that i didnt think i needed. we fight over the most dumbest shit in the world. but its worth it cuz i never want to leave. she makes me smile even when her jokes are not funny at all. well to but still she is bright. she is cunning. she is just her. i may never understand what i love about her. but its just her. she is one of the most important women i keep in my life and ill never change that. thank you. in so many ways ive just dont understand life. but for the past 2 years GOD has made me better in other ways. i may not always go to church. i may not always pray. but im thankfull i thankful for my family and friends, mother, father, and sister. and my lovely girlfriend. im not the smartest person in the world. im not the brightest either. but i get that sometimes you can be great in the talents you have ans the work you do. jsut be what you can be and do what you can do and everything else will fall in your lap. and the doors that need to be open will open and when they do take care of it till it closes and another opens. and i will work my hardest to. and i will take care of the ones that took care of me. cuz without yall and GOD. i would not be here. thank you... my thouhts for the day.. Blessed be..and GOD bless
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:18:49 +0000

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