my thoughts while i was watching this: wow! a comment here says - TopicsExpress


my thoughts while i was watching this: wow! a comment here says that it is like watching the Mona Lisa being painted, and I couldnt agree more, except that to me Purple Rain as a musical work of art surpasses the painting ... another thought was that i hope some really good producer/sound engineer would be able to record a live performance while I am playing sometime and take that into the studio to work with, since it is live that i feel i get most out of my own music ... i actually have one song called Reiko, Naoko, Midori & me which was inspired by Haruki Murakamis Norwegian Wood ... the lyrics just came to me in one flow (which i can prove since i wrote it down in my little Moleskin and as i recall there are now adaptations whatsoever) just after id finished reading the book in my favorite bar in Antwerp, Witzli Puzli ... when i woke up the next day, I remember thinking hey!, i wrote some really good lyrics yesterday, i should immediately try to recapture that feeling and put music on them ... then i thought of Purple Rain, and from the moment i played the two opening chords of Purple Rain, the song just started to take shape ... the result was that in about 1 hour (altogether) i had written the lyrics and the music for one of my favorite songs, and I am gald to notice that whenever I play it, the crowd also seems to appreciate it ... many reactions of people have informed me that it is also (one of) their favorite songs ... I would like therefor to thank all artists, be they painters, writers, musicians, directors, actors, photographers, etc ... for creating their art, because they inspire others to do the same ... is there anybody out there who is willing to help me create my album? (if youre in it for the money, youll have to do the work first and believe that the result will bring profit, so dont bother contacting me if you are looking to make some quick bucks ... my wealth is my voice, my creativity and the music that comes from it, not my bank account ... that will come later, when the right people have presented themselves and the music has been made and is released to the main crowd)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:48:40 +0000

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