my whole point of life is build to evolve to godhood aka ultimate - TopicsExpress


my whole point of life is build to evolve to godhood aka ultimate human form to have a greater understanding over other humans then to teach and show others the way to freedom to salvation and there pursuit of happiness . we can not have that if our current system and hierarchy are on continuous failure status and allow it to be so ... that being said i think its every humans job on the planet to take accountability for the way the system is and find all the sources the government uses and cut and erode away around all its resources that it uses it will not have a choice but to down grade then down size or even shut down tell the people to stop letting them selfs be sold to be bought and bought to be sold .. i love my family all i want is for them to have a chance in this world and i just cant help but cry sometimes at night knowing that is unrealistic in my time i cant stand how much greed there is i cant stand being looked at like a number and a dollar / revenue generator for no other puorpous than a slave why must all of us be subject to such horrible things as this .. if an officer can stand next to a child and with out even thinking pull the trigger and kill he or she then lie about it that is not a human being anymore and cant be treated as such a human killing a human for a political agenda and interest of dominion and domination is no longer a human interest it serves no purpose in this world .. the only reason it exists is control of the human resources of this world .. other humans only battle to survive and like equal treatment so i punch you or hit or stab i expect the same response back . so the government purposely starves me and my family to the point we will pay dearly to eat good food then force us to work 2-3 jobs each parent i cry i want to spend time with my son i cant when this is a mandatory requirement to live . i starve not cause i choose to because i have to buy the food for my son that wont kill him or make him dumb the chemicals that are poison that are in his food i have to watch everyday and everything with a family forces me to be very unhealthy and stressed out and unable to enjoy the time i have left with them its what i wanted a family like i have seen on tv that loves and takes care of each-other . i hate seeing the dream that is unrealistic with out spending 100,000 on a collage education when 50 years ago the same technology existed and remains limited and capped to the public we have all the tools in the world but fail to hold the people with them accountable as a population .. we out number them by the millions and yet we allow our-selfs to be sheep and to be herded to slaughter are we really that stupid as a race now is that how it really is ? if so why am i so different why am i able to see thru the bullshit and frauds of life .. as a race we are careless and keep cremating all the cares of our being in this world everyday its never been cool not to care why let it continue to be why are thou not anger one self to the point of do something or your going to die and a lot sooner than you thought is it really that hard to see it is already here at our back doors trying to brute force its way past our ways of life .. if you cant kill your self with your own gun or take your own life what grants the government the right ? to kill you in every way shape and form .? My name is Jason youngstrand and i mean nothing to facebook ,and anyother organizational authority in this world i do not exist if can not speak i can not eat i can not sleep i can not be happy i can not live if my existence and resistance was pointless years of life wasted 28 years hours 245443hrs of life used days 10226.8 thank you for showing me my life is pointless because there is no right way to advance without killing yourself in the process to be processed ..
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:03:22 +0000

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