mylifepharm/emmy1 “I have been taking Laminine daily for 12 - TopicsExpress


mylifepharm/emmy1 “I have been taking Laminine daily for 12 months and I can say without a doubt, it has changed my health and well-being way beyond any supplement I have ever taken. It is the only supplement I take now. I paid a fortune taking bio-identicals and other expensive vitamin supplements, but nothing has come remotely close to Laminine. This phenomenal natural formula has nourished, regenerated, balanced my hormones, reversed aging and energized my body back to health. I no longer have perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and I wake every day feeling fantastic. I have read that these symptoms are from having adrenal fatigue which Laminine has obviously healed over time. I feel really lucky to have found this amazing product”. Sally “I’m a mother with two children, I have a full time job and I was always tired. I was introduced to Laminine as I heard quiet a lot about this product through friends but I was very skeptical about trying it and didn’t believe everything that I was told. I took the plunge and started taking Laminine. I started noticing some changes after a couple of weeks, one was that I was waking up every morning not feeling tired and I had so much more energy to last the day. I’m a much more relaxed, positive person and don’t seem to stress about things as much. I feel alive again!” Amanda “Laminine is an extraordinary supplement, that works on so many levels. It has improved my health, my well-being and my state of mind. My sleep has improved as has my brain function and my capacity to recover from strenuous exercise. I highly recommend it for everyone”. Peter “Before taking Laminine I had constant pains in my knees and elbow’s. I have been taking Laminine now for two months and the improvement is immense. I have also noticed my energy levels have increased which is great for the industry I’m in (Building)”. Shane “The benefits and improvements have been huge since my decision to introduce Laminine into my daily life. For many years (30) I have lived with advanced Osteoporosis, a calcium deficiency of the bones. This in turn causes fractures of which I have experienced many including three spinal fractures, three shoulder operations, five toes, left arm, ribs. I also have rheumatoid arthritis in my fingers. Yes, I do know what it is like to live with pain however, four months ago I started Laminine and can now tell you I am now pain free! My mobility and energy has not only amazed me but also my family and friends. Gardening is a pastime I enjoy and now have no difficulty getting down or up. From the age of 18 yrs I have worn glasses, you can imagine my disbelief when I started to notice an improvement in my sight, do I thank Laminine? I most certainly do. My sleep pattern has changed, I enjoy at least 6 hours a night and wake so refreshed and ready to go! Most days (never when it rains) I walk from 6.30am – 7.15am at a good fast pace in a very hilly suburb – I have been known to go twice in a day! In February I will be 76 and look forward with great enthusiasm as I advance in to my twilight years – THANK YOU LAMININE”. Juliet mylifepharm/emmy1
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:49:23 +0000

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