n an obvious attempt to portray blood thirsty Muslims as major - TopicsExpress


n an obvious attempt to portray blood thirsty Muslims as major contributors to American society, Obama and his wife released a statement thanking Muslims “on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr,” i.e., feast of breaking the fast. In the official statement, the Obamas extended their “warmest wishes to [Muslims] and their families.” I’m not anti-Muslim but I am anti what the majority of Muslims support and believe; and I find it especially appalling that Obama the so-called leader who wanted a “non-religious Christmas”; the so-called leader who did his best to persuade a group of Congressional summer interns that the Revolutionary War wasn’t necessary, and that the poor were better off under Crown rule. And in his typical blasphemous fashion, Obama invoked God’s name saying “[God] does not instruct us to look down upon [the poor] through the windows of capitalism. Why then on the Fourth of July should you celebrate such a radical break from what is Godly and just; i.e., Great Britain’s form of government? (Obama to College Students: Do Not Celebrate Fourth of July; Michael Lofti; 7/2/13) On July 2, 2014, Obama, speaking to a group of Muslims visiting the White House, challenged them inferring that our Founding Fathers acted against God’s will fighting for freedom from the Crown of England. As he has done, often Obama claimed that “Great Britain may not have been completely correct in their views but they had many things right.” He then questioned the group of Muslims who were living in America: “Why then on the Fourth of July should American Muslims celebrate an obvious split from God’s will?” When questioned by a Legislative Aide specific to what exactly he was saying, Obama responded, “Let us celebrate the changing face of America. Not where we’ve been, but where we aim to be.”The question that demands an answer is “Exactly what does Obama envision America changing into?”
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:34:07 +0000

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