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nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Experiences/lue_b_nde.htm Lue B NDE 5437 Excerpt - Excellent It is the 11th of February 1996 I died – and floated slowly and calmly out of my body, as it was the most natural thing in the world. After floating under the ceiling, I left the room, leaving behind my body, the hospital ward and the hospital where I lied down with my newborn son. After leaving the hospital, I reached some nice, very comforting and soft darkness. It felt so nice, soft and loving. Then I saw a light very far away, but it came closer and closer while the soft and loving darkness pushed me towards the light, and then I was surrounded by this unearthly loving, very beautifully radiating light. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. It was as if I knew him (it was apparently a he), I knew then that I knew him, and felt completely comfortable and happy. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went try my life and all that I had experienced in a loving way, not any judging way. It was observed, and all the feelings involved during the life were examined. All was and felt good to see with him. While we were observing something particularly good, came my good friend, this light being, with a kind of joy outbreak of light and loving messages about what good I had done in that moment we observed. We communicated with the use of our thoughts and mind. There were a lot of smiles and happiness related with the review of my life, even though my life was anything else than easy. It had been tough, with many tears, betrayal, loneliness, abuse and more, but also much joy with my grandparents and good playmates during my childhood, and later with my own children. All situations were examined, and all the good was emphasized and shown. I could see it with him; endure it all without feeling a single negative emotion through it, which is strange to think about after. There in my near-death experience, it didn’t make me wonder, almost nothing made me wonder and question during the throughout the near-death experience. Only much after, when I thought back, did I wonder about some of these experiences I had then. I was told what was especially good, and that also includes experiences where I had acted with my heart, and not giving it any particular thought, this was really pointed out. In this way, I got to know what is especially good. To be and act in love with the heart To be happy and be as good and pure in heart as possible with others. Not to lie, but to stand by myself and take care of myself. Be true to myself and my own values. To forgive without accepting negative actions from other, to let go and forgive. To stay in joy. To be in the present as much as possible. To nourish myself. To be my own best friend. To be others good friend, and also remember that we all have our own path, to learn and work on accepting this. To not brood over problems, but let go of them when it’s difficult, and to address the challenges and problems again when I have the strength to overcome them. To forgive myself and not push myself too much, to feel myself more and not cross my own limits and values. To be good and honor ALL living. I learned that death, that to die is so amazingly beautiful and full of joy and love. I felt myself to be very awake and aware the whole time, I was immensely curious and observing, and my awareness was unearthly, much larger than we I am here in life. I could see 360 degrees around myself, I could focus on what I wanted to and it close-up without any problems, even without thinking about it. I could look up, down, forward and behind me all at once. I felt more fresh and energized than ever, much more than when I am in life. I had the feeling that I could do anything, not that I thought about it, but I had no problems at all, and never speculated on anything negative. I was energized, joyful and curious. I was there in the present moment, totally in the present. Felt no pain or gave it any thought. At the same time I went through the life review, with all the emotions and experiences, together with this vibrant and very loving being who I just knew so well, without knowing from where, other than it must have been when I was in the afterlife, when I have been physically dead. I was whole and totally safe. Everything was sharper and I could focus on it when I wanted to, colors were clearer and vibrant. My field of view was all around. It was so beautiful and all the colors were unearthly beautiful. I was so happy and calm during all of my near-death experience. I have hearing loss in my life, I did not have that in death, and I could hear much better than ever in my life. I had no trouble with my hearing; the sounds were beautiful and melodic. The conversations I had with others did not take place with sound, but rather with telepathy. I was completely filled with emotions, such as great joy; deep, deep love; comfort; gratitude; freedom; ‘EVERYTHING is as it should be’ feeling; All is well… I got to know from the radiating being, my loving friend, that I was only on a visit here at the other side of death, and that I should return to life again. I didn’t take this message in, and didn’t pay attention to it, because I was occupied but everything else going on, all that I got to know, everything that happened, and all the love and joy that I felt. I was told that I would be divorced with my husband later on, because we couldn’t go on together, my former husband and me. That we both had something else to do and that I should look at it as a joyful thing for me, that it would give me joy and much freedom to be divorced, but that it wasn’t to happen just yet. That I should forgive my then-husband and his actions and attitude. That I should with joy and gratitude go on with my life after, even though he would hurt me deeply, because it was required for me to let go on him. I was also told that I would get to have many delightful experiences thereafter, and begin to write and publish books about subjects I didn’t know about yet. Then I was also told that I would work with something completely different from then on, from what I had worked with up to then, I would get completely different goals about the future compared to now. That I should take care of myself and my health, to be good to my body, if I was that, I would be able to reach those goal I had set myself before I came into this life, and that it would give me so much happiness to reach these goals. That there were also great challenges ahead, which I had set myself to overcome in this life, and that I should work on not letting it weigh me down, but rather take it in stride and with joy, and forgive myself if I didn’t progress as quick as I wanted to. It would give me great wisdom, understanding and peace of mind to work with these problems. I should remember to ask for help, because I would receive it, and it was very important for me to learn that it would take its time, it was said with laughter. When I got sad from then on, should I remember and learn to focus on the joy, to remember all the good that had happened in my life, that it would heal my emotional wounds. I would meet a lot of nice people, good friends and souls, so I should be looking forward to that. I would also find love again between man and woman much later, and it would be the dessert of the life I have, for both of us, and then much laughter followed in a compassionate way. Right then I was shown how he looks, he who would be my great love in the future, so that I could recognize him that day off in the future when I would meet him. The reason that I was told this was to give me enough calm so that I would work on myself, and on that life that I want to have, when I know that with the love will happen one day. After the review of my past and future, I visited a very beautiful and lively landscape, where I had the experience of taking a walk with my energetic and radiating friend. All the colors were so beautiful and vibrant, as if everything was alive and buzzing. Here I reached a beautiful spot, where some souls came towards me, I recognized some of them, those I had known in my current life, those who had passed at that time. My grandparents, all four who I loved so much in my life, were also there, they smiled and were quite happy, they gave me many hugs and much love, and they told me that they had fun and were well, and they worked on whatever they desired the most. I also met several friends who had passed away, and they had come to greet me. They all said that I had to go back, and it wasn’t my time yet. Everyone were so healthy and smiling, and those who had been old, looked at least 20 years younger. I felt very strong, and was then absolutely sure that there is meaning to everything big that happens to us in our lives, including everything I experienced in my near-death experience, there is a meaning with the lives we have. I then met a group of souls, who I didn’t know from this life, but when I saw them, I just knew that I knew them deep in my soul, it were them who I knew the best and I cared most about, it were those who I feel the most connected with in all of the universe!!! I was totally filled with happiness by the reunion, so much that it felt like I cried of joy and surprise. Meanwhile I wondered a lot about why in my 42 years I had lived, I had at no point remembered them, those of all… It was overwhelming and indescribable wonderful to meet them. Now that I look back upon that, I can see that it wasn’t all or just a bit of what happens in the afterlife that I saw there. What I saw and experienced, was specially arranged for me and to me, now that I was visiting. I was at the same time so enveloped of the experience of this near-death experience, that I didn’t think about whom I was or where I came from, or for that matter worried myself about it. Neither did I think about wanting to get back. I only wanted to be right there, where I was and experienced, it took all my attention completely. Suddenly a young man stood in front of me, and I knew that he also was my newborn son. He stared at me intensely, and then a voice shouted, his voice throughout the place: “Mom, you promised me to be my mother in this life! Otherwise I wouldn’t be here!” Then immediately I was propelled back to my body with immense speed, it only took a split-second to come back, and it hurt incredibly to get back in my body… When I was leaving the hospital, the attending physician told me that I was that patient, who had been the most ‘gone’, and then came back again. He said that they couldn’t do so much in that situation, other than give me plenty of platelets, watch me and then pray to God…
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:24:24 +0000

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