need some and advice from any one who might be able to help. - TopicsExpress


need some and advice from any one who might be able to help. December 2012 i had a investation of bugs come into my flat which went into my body, straight away i took my three children down to my mums house for safety soon as Dr surgery was open after Christmas i went and asked them for help as i did not know what it was that went into my body neither did i no if it could cause me any long term health damage. As a result of this i had my child taken off me which i had residency to for 5 years and the Dr went straight down the lines of mentle health how ever this is not the case of having mentle health problems now or before i was told by the Dr if i did not take the medication they provided i would be sectioned under the mentle health act. How can anyone justify sectioning a normal person just because of what i experienced that night does not fit into there criteria. I was stopped from seeing my children. After 2 months of no contact i was allowed to see my eldist daughter once a week supervised, after 4 months then the younger two.dealing with social services i have found them to be absulutly disgusting in the way they talk to a father and a human being they are there to protect children but as so many are aware they have failed once again and are failing to protect my children whilst they are down there mothers house were they remain social worker at C.Y.P.S at Symes House Hartcliffe and her line manager have lied on more than one occasion to cover there own backs they have also called my 62 year old mum a liar whilst on the phone when phoning social worker about any concerns i had over my child/childrens safety her response was this is yet another pointless conversation. when phoning about your children safety and concerns from a concerned father it is and will never be a pointless conversation and i find this despicable for a social worker to say this. at the conference i had today 24.06.13 i asked if it would be detrimental for my child to come back in to my care there reply was yes it would be detrimental when asked was it detrimental for my child to be ripped away from her father and everything she knows after 5 years i was told that question was erelivent. Over the past 6 month i have tried to air my concerns because of knowing the mother for 10 years who has narcissistic anti social personality traits which just that alone makes her into two separate people yet social services fail to listen and understand this social worker seem to think she knows my children better than i do after only being involved since Christmas the reason for mine and the mothers breakup was due to the fact the mother claimed she was raped which resulted in the conception of one of the children which the mother dumped on my doorstep and just walked away when the child was only 2 months old she claimed she could not look at this child as she pictured the person who raped her he also threatened to kick the baby out of her (his own child) how ever she is now living with the person who raped her and now is about to have a second child with this man i raised the child for just over 3 months on my own with the backing of social services which is another reason for my concerns over my children due to the fact i do not want my children to be around this kind of man. safety whilst living with the mother due to her accusations about this man when i questioned about this and once again her reply was they did not have a problem with this set up
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:29:35 +0000

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