never heard it put quiet that way, but it sounds about right.. - TopicsExpress


never heard it put quiet that way, but it sounds about right.. fromthetrenchesworldreport/psychology-101/64870 and a large majority of the people have the same mentality.. im sure most of you have seen this in schools and in the real world.. in schools it is the smart or gifted kid who at first tries to get ahead, he does well on his work his first couple years in school and is rewarded by the teacher.. well after a while the other kids get jealous of the smart kid because he is rewarded and is praised but they struggle to get by and are punished with bad grades and remedial classes.. well it gets to the point where the smart kid is branded as a nerd or book worm and start getting constantly harassed by the slower kids.. it gets to the point that the smart kid starts to hide his abilities because he knows that it will result in him being jumped in the bathrooms or in the hall ways between classes.. the kid that once did well in school start only doing what he has to to keep from failing and no more in an effort to blend in, and will actually start to exact the same characteristics against other kids just to fit in and keep from being the target his or her self.. in this effort to keep from being attacked the smart kid falls behind and becomes just one of the others when they could have been better.. this also carries over into the real world.. you have people who work every day and try to excel in life, to get ahead.. and then we have the part of the population, who and lets be honest, are a bunch of mooching low lifes.. they are only out for number one and will not lift a finger to help themselves and expect others to do it for them.. well joe the mechanic or sally the waitress have to get up every day and go to work while bill dumbass and sandy the village hoe use the power of the government to attack joe and sally with increasing frequency to get at more and more of what they make working their jobs for 10-12 hours a day... because joe dumbass and sandy the village hoe do not see a reason to work because they get everything they need from the government.. but the harder that joe and sally try the more they are taxed and they are attacked by government and the moochers who depend on government to the point that joe and sally workplace cannot sustain their positions so they are laid off.. well joe and sally are laid off in a time where jobs are increasingly scarce, but both joe and sally need to make ends meet, so they have to sign up for a thing like unemployment or food stamps or welfare till they can find gainful employment.. well with each person who signs up for these programs the harder that other people like sally and joe are tasked with paying into the system to support those who are on the system to the point that the politicians do what they always do, raise taxes in the remaining workers... well this puts more strain on the businesses who would hire joe or sally making it even harder on that business and they have to lay off another person or more which continues the cycle and makes it harder on joe and sally.. and being that it makes it that much harder on sally and joe to find a job, days pass, weeks, months and then years. it goes on to the point that sally and joe, 2 hard working Americans who want to support themselves and their family, they give up trying to find employment because it is easier in the long run to stay on the food stamps and welfare.. and then joe and sally fade into the background and become the ones perpetuating the cycle by attacking others with their increasing needs of welfare and food stamps...
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 04:48:33 +0000

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