nfo 1: Obama freed terrorists from prisons of Pakistan, Iraq, - TopicsExpress


nfo 1: Obama freed terrorists from prisons of Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan and Egypt to use them in terrorism. US Ambassador Anne Patterson ordered Morsi to free 8000 terrorists from prisons then Obama claimed that 3000 terrorists escaped from prisons in Pakistan and Iraq and that his CIA and US troops could not prevent them or rearrest them. Then he freed thousand terrorists from prisons in Sudan under the false lie that they escaped because Sudan had a revolution recently! Info 2: All prisoners and terrorists are Manchurian Candidates, who had been put under complete mind control by CIA-MI6-Mossad. They used illegal and non humanitarian techniques, including torture, frontal lobotomy, implantation of mind control microchips, RFID, FunVax fundamentalist vaccine, etc. They create radical personality changes, remove religion centers and logic from brain then direct them towards terrorism. They use them now against Egypt and Arab countries but soon will use them against Americans and the whole world to apply NWO of Satan. Info 3: Muslim Brotherhood terrorists who are arrested in Egypt are deeply involved with Obama, CIA, MI6, Mossad, EU, UN, etc. They are spreading terrorism to prevent the trials of Morsi and brotherhood leaders so that they do not make confessions against them. Brotherhood threaten to put Obama and other Masonic and Zionsit Elite in prison if they dod not free them from prison and protect them from trials. Info 4: NWO relies upon mind controlling victims, liberals or Islamists , so that they lose logic and morals and become easily mind controlled by mind masters to destroy their own countries and create terrorism, destruction, deception, division and all what is ordered for them. Depopulating the world, killing 90% of humans, destroying Middle East to rebuild it. Stealing deals under hypnosis from leaders and politicians. US Politicians use hypnosis and mind control even upon leaders whom they meet. Mass hypnosis, street hypnosis and Ericksonian handshake hypnosis, are used since years by CIA-Mossad to steal their signatures on illegal deals and to force them to take illegal and foolish decisions. Info 5: Obama set the deadline of February 7th, 2014, because he is planning to focus his efforts to occupy Egypt and start WWIII on January 25th, 2014. Obama, CIA, MI6, Mossad , UN, EU and Satanic Elite think that they own the earth and that they can control the climate and decide whom to die and whom to live. Satanic bloodlines rule the world. They control minds and use victims to attack other victims. Cleanse your countries from Satan so that God cancel the punishment which will affect you because of them.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:47:10 +0000

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