nhjustice.net/PAANNOUNCEMENTS.html FOR THE RECORD (FTR) On - TopicsExpress


nhjustice.net/PAANNOUNCEMENTS.html FOR THE RECORD (FTR) On October 31, 2013 the above attached hyperlinked letter was posted on nhjustice.net in Past Announcements section. It had already been sent certified to the addressees. (If the above link does not work then go to nhjustice.net and Scroll down to the following highlighted section titled CRUEL & UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT? [You dont have to be paranoid to know when youve been bushwacked] and you will find the hyperlinked letter 10/21/2013 LETTER [CLICK HERE] to Belknap County Attorney et al ...) Yesterday I posted the State of New Hampshire’s response to the hyperlinked letter dated October 21, 2013. Incorporated into my letter are very clean and concise reasons why the State should authorized a reevaluation of its October 13, 2009 Report. And therein lies the rub for the state. So, instead of confronting the issue, the State determined to violate its own Bill of Rights in order to deny me my due process rights. To recap: The State’s primary argument, in its response letter to me, dated November 7, 2013, was written, by the way, in the first person of Sr. Asst Attorney General Brown, which is quoted a follows: “Since you are now a resident of the Republic of Panama, I see no reason to have you reassessed”. As I pointed out yesterday this response is in complete violation of the Bill of Rights of the State of New Hampshire, and the Due Process Clauses imbedded in the 5th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution. It is well understood by all lawyers, and Attorney General’s are lawyers, that due process is the legal requirement which mandates any state MUST respect ALL of the legal rights that are owed to a person. The fact that I wrote in this hyperlinked letter “now that I am now living in Panama”, does not give the State of New Hampshire the right to violate any and all of the ‘legal rights’ that it owes me as a dual citizen of the United States and the Rep. of Panama, and (until I was illegally arrested and forcibly removed from my family’s home that it has owned since 1978, and then illegally Ordered ‘not competent’), I was a New Hampshire citizen in good standing The 5th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a Due Process Clause. It is well accepted legal opinion that “Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the Due Process Clause acts as a safeguard from ARBITRARY DENIAL of life, liberty, or property by the Government outside the sanction of law.” It is also well accepted legal fact that “The Supreme Court of the Untied States interprets the Clauses as providing four protections: procedural due process (in civil and criminal proceedings), substantive due process, a prohibition against vague laws, and as the vehicle for the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. The Office of New Hampshire Attorney General knows, or should know, that there is no requirement that a person needs to spend time in the U.S. in order to retain citizenship. So when I say that I am currently traveling on my Panamanian pass port through Asia, it does not mean that I have residency in Asia, or that I am no longer a US citizen, even though my stolen ID and Social Security issues have yet to be resolved. Of the four due process protections provided to me by the US Supreme Court, the State of New Hampshire has violated all four in my case. Clearly, the State of New Hampshire by sanctioning Sr. Asst. Attorney General Brown to unilaterally, AND ARBITRARILY deny me of my procedural due process rights has in fact denied me of my substantive due process rights. Considering, the time frame over which the State’s mal-actions have extended, there is a body of law that COULD declare the State has acted with criminal intent, and therefore, the damages would be un-insurable, AND TREBLE. Just imagine what will happen to the State’s bond ratings, if it continues to deny me my due process rights? And, since this is a pubic post I would suspect that certain insurance/bonding companies are closely monitoring this situation.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:20:46 +0000

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