nian: broken or unbroken? Here are the reasons for the why I think - TopicsExpress


nian: broken or unbroken? Here are the reasons for the why I think they didn’t break up: 1. I already wrote a nian message two months ago. [ delenianflames.tumblr/post/50918527363/message-for-the-nian-fandom ] 2. A Penshoppe interview was made 5 days before the rumors started and people said that they couldn’t keep their hands of each other and they were very ‘sweet’. After that Ian and Nina weren’t together for a while and after 5 days the rumors came in. A three years relationship does not (usually) end via cellphone. 3. Nina was looking after Moke before she went on her vacation. Moke as in Ian’s cat, you know him right? Ian found him when he was filming Lost. He loves Moke, okay? I don’t think he would let Moke be with his ex-girlfriend. But well maybe he would so this is not a valid point. 4. During this summer Nina has been enjoying her vacation and filming ”Let’s be Cops” while Ian was working for ISF, making interviews and conventions. Just because they weren’t together all summer does not mean that they broke up. They spend 7 or more months together while shooting the vampire diaries. They go to work together and they go home together. There was this quote that both of them said “Lovers need space from their togetherness”. That explains it all l guess. They spend all the time together and now they’re enjoying some time alone. That does NOT mean that they broke up. 4. Just because Ian was spotted with Alexis doesn’t mean that he dates her. I actually think that they’re good friends. What was the name of the model that he spent time with? Well, I dunno her name right now but apparently he felt the need to explain that he was not dating her. People said that if he explained that why wouldn’t he tell people that he and Nina broke or didn’t broke up? Well, I guess that’s because apparently some people decided that it was a good thing to send hate mail to the model. That’s a really nice thing to do, very mature, no doubt. 5. Ian and Nina were seen together on July 12. At the dentist or something like that. I don’t actually recall the name of the place. 6. The annual Comic Con. Well this year we got a lot of Nian interaction no doubt. From the shh that Nina made to Ian in the beginning of the EW interview. To Nina telling Ian to show his iPhone case, and touching his hand when she clearly didn’t have to. They actually shared some looks here and there and definitely did not look awkward around each other. They were on set before coming to comic con and they arrived together. Pics can tell you the exact same thing. They bought coffee in the same place (stupid little detail to notice but it is something). In the panel there wasn’t a lot of interaction. Maybe a look or two and some cute quotes like Ian saying that Katherine aka Nina was hot. BTW don’t look too much into the thing of them not sitting together because they didn’t sit together 2 years ago either. And I actually think comic con is the one that decides where they sit. After the panel they had to sign autographs and Ian and Nina sat together. Some pics confirm that they were pretty close to one and other. He was actually whispering some to her and she smiled back at him and notice that when they don’t realize that pics aren’t being taken they act normal and are actually pretty comfortable around each other but when they realize that pics are being taken they put some distance between each other and what does that tells us exactly? It seems like they don’t want pictures right? After signing the autographs they were seen walking hand in hand. Again they didn’t realize photos were being taken. Weird huh? 7. Nina’s mother tweeted that she misses her vampire kids. Kids as in plural. Vampire. Kids. Ian and Nina. Weird that your mother-in-law treats you has her kid after you break up with her daughter. 8. We’ve seen them sharing some things. The necklace, the headphones, a bag, … I would not share things with my ex, would you? 9. Nina tweeted a pic with an arm that a bite in it. If you look carefully you can see that that it’s Ian’s arm. 10. Ian was seen with Alex, Nina’s brother. Yeah, I would so hang out with my ex’s brother. That would be so cool, maybe he would tell me how much he loves me. I’m sure there are lots of other things. But do you really think that they broke up? I don’t think they did. There are too many reasons directing us the other way. If it was at least half of it okay I would believe but if the rumors hadn’t started I’m sure everyone would be thrilled with a little thing. We are too worried and with that we start over analyzing things. Don’t analyze it. And if they did break up, don’t send hate tweets to people. They do whatever the hell they want. Oh and btw the people who sent hate tweets to Ian because he was with Kat, I’m actually ashamed of you. Kat is engaged and Ian does love her, but as a friend. They are really good friends. And Ian and Nina didn’t officially confirm their relationship probably because they actually want a normal relationship. Of course, for them that’s close to impossible. Have you guys ever thought about it? How hard it must be to not be able to walk hand in hand with your boyfriend because you are going to have creepy guys with cameras behind you? Or even go to a restaurant. Or to the cinema. Or to the beach. Yeah, that must be pretty hard. We shouldn’t judge them. Their lives aren’t easy and they will never be because they are famous. We shouldn’t make their lives harder than they already are. Don’t you think that it may hurt them that every time they go check on their Twitter accounts there are people talking about their relationship. Or people hating on them because of the choices that they make. Or because of the people that they hang out with. Yeah, it must be really hard. We should make it easier for them. We can love them as a couple and as individuals. I mean, I always will. But we should be more discreet and respectful, and keep quite about it. Maybe on the nian tumblr tag? It already is hard enough for them. They are our idols, we love them and we can help them. You know how. We can show our support by sending them our love not hate. Loving every choice that they make because of the reasons that they chose to make it. It’s pretty simple actually. Please stop with this war that has been happening for months. I think they broke up and I think they didn’t. People believe in what they want to believe and that’s how it’s always going to be. We cannot judge other people for what they choose to believe. But if you do not like their relationship you don’t have to be in the nian tag. Go to the niangry tag or to the anti-nian tag. There you will find people with the same opinion has you and everyone will be happy like we were last year. I’m sorry for bothering you but I needed to get this out of my mind. via tumblr.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:45:03 +0000

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