no full stops, please : Part III Soliloquy 13 Does a - TopicsExpress


no full stops, please : Part III Soliloquy 13 Does a teenaged or a young boy/girl most often confuse smartness with ‘shamelessness’? I often wonder, whether a stupid generation complacent with and proud of its stupidity is a gift of civilization or, civilization cant but make its way pervertedly to some silly idiots making them victims of a so-called smart culture !! Now, weve a generation whose members claim themselves to be the followers of western essence, but theyre just blind slaves of western culture!! They never bother about inner illumination; they just try to fool away their gender-based counterparts through their outer stupid gestures. Is it not a sheer crisis of civilization? I often sigh for my studious youth! What will be left for them to sigh over when theyve pass the youth? We also passed our teenage. We enjoyed being silly, doing foolish acts but felt the urge to be out of that track too and accordingly, did something to turn out to be smart. I wonder how some of their heads can work without brain!! They never feel sorry for their ignorance. They hate reading poetry but like writing it!! They never try to know what love it but fall in love 24 times a day!!! Is it not pathetic to see some souls chained? A teenaged or a young boy is often found attending the gym to raise his muscles above his shoulder but lowers his brain under his knees !! How can he expect others to think him handsome? A teenaged or a young girl often seems to be lovely as long as she doesnt open her mouth! Once she starts talking, a smart guy is sure to lose interest in her! Please dont take my comment as a generalized observation. I sincerely feel worried for such a misguided generation. Were experiencing a confused generation. Teenage boys and girls often wait to be confused and so its really easy to confuse them with the simplest confidence trick! How can they hope of participating in greater decision-making without knowing what to decide and how to decide? Its never a good idea to generalize things, because some things are not really general. There are some persons who are always out of the 10 you can count. I personally feel a sharp contrast between our generation and the present generation. As I teach some students, Ive been with a good number of teenaged and young minds for at least 8 years. I feel really surprised when I see that almost all of them have no taste for reading what isnt required for passing the exam. They dont read literature, as they think it wont pay them in exams. They never go through poems though they write a good number of poems for their boyfriends or girlfriends. Just guess what type of indigestible DJ type poetic feeling they have. Its often horrible even to imagine what they can think, feel or dont think, feel. . . . . . Theyre never convinced of things they cant imagine or think. Its really so easy to persuade them to do things theyre not supposed to do. . . . . . Now its really a world of fast things, viz fast food, fast study, fast dress, or even fast dating! Can you imagine what would happen to this fast generation when theyre left behind once and cant proceed only because theyve no knowledge how and why theyre fast!! . . . . . They like a nice haircut, a nice look, and a nice appearance . . . How long such things last really? Who will command the honour of others at the end of the day? . . . . . What is the use of showing smartness without being smart? Is smartness just a thing to be seen not be understood? Such smart poor fellows are really miserable . . . Just leave them in the midst of some enlightened persons and see what happens. Just tell them to write on a topic in English, theyll start crying in English instead of writing in English. Ive the experience, I can tell you how theyre busy just worrying about how to show down themselves with muscular body, latest mobile phone, reckless speeches, slang words, hanging out with boyfriends or girlfriends and so many thousands of nuisances!! . . . . . In most cases theyre emotionally abused, psychologically blackmailed, mentally indecisive, and so they lack the power to judge what self-dignity is. . . . . . The elders are often intimidated whenever they try to rectify the teens. They think they understand well enough, theres no need to try to make them understand! Soliloquy 14 Is poverty a curse of honesty? Or, is honesty an excuse of poverty? There are two ways of being honest . . . Being honest to our passion . . . And, being passionate for our honesty . . . The first way elevates our personality . . . The second one raises our conceit subconsciously and we develop a dishonest attitude in our thoughts and actions. . . . Most of the poor people are poor because they dont want or simply dont know how to think and work for wealth, yet fabricate stories of honesty only as the means of self-complacency!! Being honest is only being committed to what were and what we want to be. . . . . Soliloquy 15 Music makes or unmakes my mind. I live with music, by music. Music is magic, magic is music. Our life is a song, the best gift bestowed upon us during our birth. . . . . . . Lets live for it. Lets sing for it. Life is a music heard by soul, not by ears. Music never lies; even we can never lie when there is music in our soul. I think, music defines what life is, to be more precise, what life is supposed to be. Our soul echoes when music stops. When our soul stops, music echoes. We can never listen to it until we feel it. Music makes me feel the subtle presence of my soul. My thoughts soar higher and higher with music searching the royal road to eternity. Hats off to the singers and musicians! Theyre the greatest magicians the world has ever seen. I feel my moods best through music . . . My emotion raises my heart when I bathe in music. Soliloquy 16 Becoming a Gentleman! How? If you want to be only gentle you must not be outspoken outspokenly ......Being outspoken is important for being honest to yourself. . . . . . . . A gentleman is the man who respects ladies and make a woman behave like a lady while talking to him!! A gentleman is someone who has a respect for those around him, and will act in an honoring fashion, even in the face of adversity. That doesnt mean he wont disagree, but if he does, it will not disrespect or look down upon the others belief. He interprets everything for the best. He does not stoop to meanness in disputes. Even towards his enemies he behaves in a manner as if they were going to his friends one day. A true gentleman is one who hurts nobody either by words or by deeds. He tries his best to make everyone feel at ease .He freely offers his helps towards removing difficulties from the path of others. He is very considerate and carefully avoids controversial discussion. He never monopolizes conversation. He is never offended at the follies of those he is talking with. If he does a favour to any person he does not let him feel that he has done any. He is not self-centered .He does not attend to idle gossips. A true gentleman is polite to everyone, in action and words. A gentleman tells about others more politely than he is supposed to. He never becomes a slave to the moment, rather tries to make the moment his slave. A sense of self-respect never lets him attack others making things objectionable. A gentleman must not do anything that might cause inconvenience or discomfort to another person. It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain. This description is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him; and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoids whatever may cause ajar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom he is cast; -- all clashing of opinion, or collision of feeling, all restraint, or suspicion, or gloom, or resentment; his great concern being to make everyone at their case and at home. He has his eyes on all his company; he is tender towards the bashful, gentle towards the distant, and merciful towards the absurd; he can recollect to whom he is speaking; he guards against unseasonable allusions, or topics which may irritate; he is seldom prominent in conversation, and never wearisome. He makes light of favours while he does them, and seems to be receiving when he is conferring. He never speaks of himself except when compelled, never defends himself by a mere retort, he has no ears for slander or gossip, is scrupulous in imputing motives to those who interfere with him, and interprets everything for the best. He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments, or insinuates evil which he dare not say out. From a long-sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage, that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend. He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults, he is too well employed to remember injuries, and too indolent to bear malice. He is patient, forbearing, and resigned, on philosophical principles; he submits to pain, because it is inevitable, to bereavement, because it is irreparable, and to death, because it is his destiny. If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blunder. Soliloquy 17 Every girl wants to be appreciated for her beauty, no matter whether she has it or not. So, you cant be a good lover without being a better liar. . . Does it sound objectionable to anyone of you? My humble apology! I know, Im never good at dealing with girls. Its often because I cant tell lies with them (I confess, its because of my nervousness while talking to them. . .hahahaha) , sometimes because I consider many of them as my younger sisters (holy fool, as my friends call me) and sometimes because of my introvert nature (to be more specific, because of shyness). Now let me share some of my experience . . . (Please share yours too) 1. A girl once asked me how beautiful she looked. I also asked her how long it was she had last stood before the mirror. And, she stopped talking to me forever. . . . Im happy as I hate lies!! 2. My female friend (please, dont read it girlfriend) once asked me what people should appreciate the most --- her beauty? or, her figure? or, her brain? . . . I answered her, I didnt know about others, but I must appreciate her sense of humour’!! . . . She lacked the sense of humour proving me wrong and never talked to me after that day. . . . I dont know why people hate truths!! 3. Now, let me tell about some beautiful girls . . . A girl was really beautiful, her smile, her eyes, her face . . . . Trust me friends, everything was ok until she opened her mouth . . . There were some other burdened with all the beauties of the world paid in exchange with all the brains of her beautiful head!! Too highly she had to pay for her beauty, no doubt!! Now, is it that beauty and brain dont coexist? No friends, rarely they do. . . . My observation is, in most cases, beautiful woman gifted with brain as well, are married. . . . Another observation . . . I admit that love is blind and couples are rarely matched. Just look at the couples . . . They prove this paradox very cruelly. I dont know why God is so unjust in this case. . . . Last but not the least; I must say that some love stories surpass all our assumptions. These couples experience real love (a ghost that all of us tell about though none of us have seen it). . . . We, the idiots, often fall in love without knowing what love is. Soliloquy 18 Now, I can feel that my brain is a masterpiece. On its right side nothing is right; on its left side nothing is left!! Grrrrrr . . . . . You dont need to reshape my brain, just try to shape it. Its still fresh; Ive not used it yet. . . . . When my mind fails, my brain speaks. When my mind doesnt fail, my stupid brain speaks again! . . . . The architects do the best when you do something with virgin staffs. Im not an architect; I have a stupid computer engineer’s brain (academically) who likes to make staffs virgin after having them programmed!! . . . . . . . . . The fact is, the Lord created me as a masterpiece. Later on, my parents tried to recreate my brain and thus the earlier masterpiece was lost . . . . I was born genius, education ruined me.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:35:09 +0000

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