no full stops, please Soliloquy 1: সবকিছু - TopicsExpress


no full stops, please Soliloquy 1: সবকিছু ভেঙে পড়ে ~ হুমায়ূন আজাদ Nothing lasts forever ~ Sidney Sheldon Things Fall Apart ~ Chinua Achebe The term forever is too relative to be brought under any universalized definition, yet it conveys some meaning as long as time-interval is considered. And such time-slots are often biased through our inclination, urge, target, vision etc. And in context of a predefined notion which we live by, it perhaps, holds good. . . . . . In such a world with complicated thoughts and transient illusions its often rather daunting to make things around last as long as we wish. Things were that they were, things are that they’re and things will be that they will be. Our attitude towards them matters most. How we feel is more important than what we really feel. Things around often turn worse long before they really turn worse. And such is the course of life! . . . . Things fall apart only when our thoughts fall apart. We make things better or worse, they never change truly. They neither fall apart nor gather close. We make, something remakes keeping the mystery of Nature unveiled forever. . . . . . . Palaces are built to be reduced to dust. What could last forever? Nothing. And nothing should be allowed to last forever; otherwise itll be suicidal for human race. Creation would be stopped, the world is sure to lose its beauty. . . . . No memory is either sweet or bitter. The memory we try to remember seems sweet, the memory we try to forget is bitter. Its too relative. You can never call a memory absolutely sweet or bitter. . . . . I think, therefore Im. I follow, therefore Im not. Someone else thought, therefore he/she was. I followed, therefore I wasnt. Existence is the magic of thought. Once we lose the power of free thinking, we do not exist any more. Existentialism teaches the art of living. Belief is often self-denial. True knowledge never springs from beliefs, it springs from doubts. We last till our doubts last. Nothingness overshadows personality. A dead soul is the most dangerous thing. A soul that never lived can never die also. It cant last forever as it was not born at all! Soliloquy 2: I think, therefore Im single . . . . Hey there! Solitude is bliss but the problem is, there is no conversation. I often think that its better to live alone than to live with a wrong person, and the fact is, I could never find a Miss Right! (I rather found many who often Miss Right!) . . . . . Life is a Disneyland, and most of the girls Ive ever met are just the Mickey Mouses. I never felt like spending my whole life with a Mickey Mouse (Life never seems something to me to be spent in just compromising) . . . And, I often talk to myself as I prefer to talk to only better class people. . . . . I feel Im the eleventh one out of ten you can count. Alone with in the midst of crowd not worthy of breaking my solitary state . . . . We can get whatever we want, but the problem is, we can never want whatever we want . . . . Solitude is not always a good companion, after all . . . . . Something often goes wrong; perhaps I let it go wrong . . . . I dont know, but it does. I cant go wrong with it, and so it goes wrong . . . . . . I have friends who say, Good Twilight! . . . . But, I miss someone who can say, Its Twilight! . . . . I often make a mess, I feel there should be someone to make or unmake this mess for me . . . . . I find many already born, so keep on looking for someone to be born yet . Thats not an easy deal, I know, but I like to be stupid in indulging myself into this audacity of hope . . . . . Soliloquy 3: Any shortcut to avoid the clash between Dream and Reality? Well, both are dreams . . . . . . The only difference is, Dream is a dream dreamt, while Reality is a dream felt . . . . . Were often better dreamers than were not supposed to be, worse feelers than were supposed to be . . . . . . Dreaming for dreams sake is never worth-dreaming, because when the dream ends youre left only with reality. Life exists in the wide gap between Dream and Reality. Were life. Lifes we. Dream pays much here. But, we cant live here forever. We must go where were supposed to go. Staying is better but not possible always. Life is never so easy as to not have to say Goodbye to dream. Were to back to reality at dreams departure. . . . Is there any technique for learning not to dream anything not worthy of dreaming? . . . . Thinking shapes our inner world, outer world remains the same as it was. We can never stop thinking as were meant for it. Dreaming a dream that is never like that, can be a better feeling but always a worse payer as long as the world around is considered. Living in a Utopia, better for living, turns worse once lived. Dream is the keyword; Reality is the leader though it is supposed to be the follower. Such is the life lying between the gap between Dream and Reality, dreaming of a world that never was . . . that never will be. We are such puppets in the hands of eternity --- the worst player ever created . . . . . . I often wonder why given all our skills, resources and talents, I, so obviously capable of being the best, settle so often for the worst. Different issues and themes struck me on my minds pilgrimage around the gap between Dream and Reality . . . Is there any digestible packages of suggestion to be followed in this regard? Im often a great dreamer of Dream but a wrong doer with Reality . . . . . . Inheritance works only in case of people who are born only to inherit not to acquire. Acquisition, no doubt, pays much more than inheritance . . . We can never inherit anything, just were often reluctant or helpless to be out of such easy inheritance track! Soliloquy 4: The worst sides of our weakness often hide the best sides of our strength. Do they? Really? Im a stranger to my intellect. Im an outsider to my instinct. And so, Im still an ordinary man. . . . . I always think positive, cant do positive always however. My instincts usually pay better than my intellects and it creates a mess too often. Though I never let grief and sadness engulf me, theyre quite good at making their own way! . . . . . . The things we hide resemble us most, I think. There is a constant clash between our instinct and intellect. This clash sometimes finds its way to a happy resolution through the dictation our conscience. But, often things around are not too rosy to make everything okay for a happy ending. A power in disguise in more miserable than weakness itself. We can hardly be out of the never-ending track of illusionary thoughts. We do what we should not do. We like to think what we really need to stop thinking. Its a psychological Odyssey none could ever complete, I doubt! . . . . . . Again, strength and weakness are relative terms. Even the worst side of our weakness may be our strength against one opponent and best side of our strength may be our weakness against another. . . . . So true in some perspectives as love and hatred are also too relative to define universally. If we impose some common traits on the range of strength and weakness, perhaps it holds true. Our strong sides are often veiled behind our weaker side due to some instincts within or some catalysts without. Great is the person who can be out of self-denying instincts . . . . . Thats the only measure to be adopted, not easy though . . . Hercules and Hamlet can hardly be friends within our minds. Then, what to do? Well, often flexibility is the key. Trees which dont bend cant weather storms. Its about how you can play your weakness to strength, because you can not ever change some of the basic characteristics, for instance, the physical ones. Break yourself free from conventionality and look at bright side of things that have already been predefined as dark and base.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:29:30 +0000

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